Chapter 18

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   " Your highness, why don't you come out? " asked Jongho by the door of his prince who haven't left his room since yesterday. Unfortunately, there was no response and it's not like he expected him to speak. How would Wooyoung forget yesterday's events this fast, he was simply exhausted that's why he even slept. Right now, he is just laying there staring at the ceiling and wishing his father just comes and end him right here. He was of no use and he is only causing his beloved people to suffer. If he is the reason of their suffering then why shall he exist to begin with.

   Wooyoung is out of it and nothing will snap him out of it, it was no longer the abuse it's simply the nonexistent safety of his people because of him. Things would have settled down if it wasn't for him, after all Hongjoong wouldn't have betrayed the king and San wouldn't have to be endangered because of him. What was he thinking like he deserved to even live, this was no longer about him. When was his life an importance anyway? He only lived because that's what he was forced to do, he had no choice. Then again, no one would have stopped him from killing himself.

   " Father will not come if I were to just kill myself " thought Wooyoung under his breath staring at the chandelier of his bed room, he was certainly thinking out loud. It's not like he was lying, the king is scared of Hongjoong so if Wooyoung is dead, he will no longer involve himself. San on their hand can easily protect his kingdom with no disturbances. He suddenly stood up and looked at the balcony of his room, which had a view of the garden. He thought it was not a bad idea to simply jump off here and leave somewhere else.

   He took no time as he jumped off the balcony all quietly, because he knows Jongho is sensitive to noise and at any he will come. There wasn't much knights so it was easy for him to slip in between up until he climbed off the rails that surrounded the castle. He doesn't even know anything in here and he has never stepped foot away from Hongjoong and the others. He was starting to panic as he went through an unknown path, and there he saw a river. He went and sat next to one of the rocks, he thinks he is insane for doing something like this.

   " I could easily drown myself here and no one would even know " said Wooyoung chuckling to himself as he raised his head up and taking in the new air, it didn't practically feel good but it wasn't so bad. He took a deep breath as stared at the sky. He wasn't a fan of nature or doing risky stuff but perhaps he doesn't care anymore. He was dead in Mingi's arms whilst his people almost died so why does he have to care about himself. It was his fault for involving people to his life knowing they don't deserve to live like this.

   On the other hand, it didn't take so much for Jongho to notice the sudden disappearance of his prince. His heart sank thinking he was kidnapped but he knows there is no way someone would be this quiet. " H-HONGJOONG I CANT FIND HIS HIGHNESS " screamed Jongho barging in Hongjoong's room, upon hearing that statement come out of Jongho he jumped of his bed and hastily took his sword. " You are telling me something happened TO HIM AND YOU DIDN'T KNOW? " said Hongjoong madly as he glared at Jongho who swore there was no noise coming from his bedroom.

   " He didn't even answer me nor did he get off bed today morning " said Jongho his hands shaking, how did he fuck up? How did he slip off his fingers so easily? What did he just do? " N-no you must be fucking joking Jongho.. " said Hongjoong barging in the meeting room where Seonghwa, San and his men were. " Your fucking kid wants to die " continued Hongjoong pulling Seonghwa off the chair, in response Seonghwa panicked whilst everyone stared at them weirdly. " No no no no YOU- GOD I SHOULD HAVE NEVER LEFT " said Seonghwa in horror as he started running outside, Wooyoung has never ever left on his own and nor does he think of doing so.

   If Hongjoong is saying so then it must be true , because Jongho would never let anyone take his prince. It's definitely Wooyoung who went off, because Hongjoong did not like how Wooyoung looked last night. " What is going on ? " asked San stopping in front of them making them all displeased. " GET OUT OF MY WAY, WOOYOUNG HAS DISAPPEARED " yelled Seonghwa pushing San away and sprinting to his horse. " He probably left by the balcony, we will go to each path separately but we must haste. " said Hongjoong taking the left side, with Seonghwa on the right and Jongho straight to the front. They didn't even exchange one more word before they sprinted off, just as impossible it is for Wooyoung to leave alone, he is no way in the castle.

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