Chapter 2

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Wooyoung flattered his eyes open, not familiar with the surroundings but its not like he ever woke up knowing where he was. He was about to raise himself up but immediately stopped feeling the throbbing sensation and his vision was almost gone. He placed himself back down from the pain, then looked to his right to see Seonghwa reading a book, to his left was Hongjoong sleeping with soft snors opposite to his usual demeanor.

" Gosh hyung the knights here are all so weak " spoke Jongho earning a glare from Seonghwa who looked at the two of them to find Wooyoung wide. " Good Morning, your imperial highness. How is your head feeling? " asked Seonghwa before injecting Wooyoung with a pain reliever.

" It seems to be affecting my vision I guess " said Wooyoung adjusting his eyes to the room. Hongjoong woke up all of a sudden from simply hearing Wooyoung's voice. " Should've called me earlier your highness... you could've bled out. " spoke Hongjoong streching his body and then getting up.

" Mornin' your highness " said Jongho bowing slightly then looking up to him once again. " How's your first night with your husband? " continued Jongho as he clutched his mouth to not let his laugh out. Seonghwa and Hongjoong death glared him while Wooyoung softly chuckled. It was funny, how he didn't even sleep with him on their first night.

Light lighted up in Seonghwa and Hongjoong's eyes upon his chuckle which made Jongho burst in laughter relaxing to his prince. Jongho was much younger than the Prince himself so even Wooyoung couldn't help but let the boy do whatever he wanted.

" So I assume this is...? " said Wooyoung looking around the room, it was truly not the infirmary and they were currently alone which explains how Hongjoong was sleeping. " Its Hwa-hyung's room " replied Jongho taking a place next to Seonghwa. That explains why there was some medical equipment near the bed, it belonged to Seonghwa.

" Its currently 6:23 in the morning, you have breakfast with his family at 8. " said Hongjoong predicting what Wooyoung would have asked and was sure to emphasize on the word his. Seonghwa and Jongho not minding the way Hongjoong spoke at all. Wooyoung wasn't even slightly bothered, he could care less as he showed no expression whatsoever.

Wooyoung slowly raised himself with the help of Seonghwa who softly did. His head was slowly getting better and the migraines subdued, he placed his legs on the ground and again with his help Wooyoung finally stood up completely. " I will talk to your seamstress, you can't take a shower today due to the surgery to lock the scar . " said Seonghwa slowly moving hair strands off Wooyoung to check on the scar once more.

" Don't worry, you know how great I'm when it comes to suing things so, not even your stylist will know " smiled Seonghwa at Wooyoung who shrugged his shoulders in response not caring whatsoever. While Hongjoong could have taken Wooyoung to the infirmary but he couldn't trust anyone with his prince especially in this bloody kingdom.

Besides that, Seonghwa was always the one who treated Wooyoung's injuries better than anyone. Everyone else barely gave a fuck about the prince and that completely made Hongjoong internally mad. He was almost losing his sanity at that point, which made Seonghwa and Jongho equally mad and maybe even more. Wooyoung on the other hand wasn't dying to stay alive anyway so it didn't bother him whatsoever.

" Your highness, where would you like to go now? " asked Jongho extending his arms for Wooyoung to take and support himself in walking. Before Wooyoung decided his destination, he was slowly warming up his body. He was checking if he could dance right now or his body wouldn't allow him.

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