Chapter 7

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" I want to sleep " mumbled Wooyoung under his pillow, making Jongho come inside to check on him. " Whats wrong your highness? " he asked searching for Wooyoung who hided himself under everything that they had. Only for Jongho to be kicked in the face. " I CANT SLEEP " yelled through everythig that covered him making Jongho sigh. What can he even do? No one can do anything to cure his insomnia.

   " I'm you want to go dance..? " mumbled Jongho under his breath making Wooyoung give up on even trying to sleep. There is no way he was going to fall asleep when his head was full of different things. " No one will notice our disappearance and no one can see you in the dark " continued Jongho, fully convincing the young prince.

   Wooyoung immediately stood up, he was fully awake anyway. Jongho was more than eager to help his prince, if its dancing he wants, he gets. They both sneaked out of the camp, Wooyoung following closely behind Jongho.

   " Don't worry I know the way " whispered Jongho going deeper inside the forset. As soon as Jongho saw a good amount of area for Wooyoung to move freely, he stopped. " I won't look " he said when he noticed Wooyoung's glare. With that the young prince centered himself and began to perform in the dark. Letting his mind go astray with the coldness of the night, dancing his night away.

   Jongho didn't specifically like how Wooyoung drains himself to the core until he falls asleep. It was Wooyoung's only way when his mind can't just let him be for once. After what seemed like an hour, Wooyoung was this close to falling to the ground before Jongho ran up to him and holded him.

   " Be careful your highness " said Jongho to the breathless prince as he carried him. Jongho kept hearing voices so it was the best time to go back anyway. Wooyoung was out of it, his mind and head were all fuzzy, he was this close to fainting. He was steadying his breath while he was getting carried.

   On the other hand, San was panicking because he didn't find Wooyoung in the tent. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were enjoying the luxury of being in the tent by themselves without the presence of their children. Until Hongjoong gave up and went outside to see what the commotion was about.

   " We can't find his highness " said Mingi to Hongjoong, he frowned pointing at the crown prince who was definitely visible.  " No no I meant Prince Wooyoung " said Mingi as Hongjoong sighed. " Jongho is not here as well right? " said Hongjoong as Mingi nodded assuming that Jongho is Yeosang's crush. " Then he is fine " said Hongjoong cracking his neck since it was getting stiff. " How are you so sure? " asked San his face displaying panic making Hongjoong chuckle at his appearance.  Yunho frowned at Hongjoong's behavior towards his prince.

   " Because Jongho is with him " said Seonghwa standing next to Hongjoong annoyed by the disturbance. Then there he was,  Jongho walking towards the camp with Wooyoung in his arms. He heard everything that was being said so he had a smirk plastered, making his way to the tent. " Chill ladies, his highness wanted to take a walk " spoke Jongho with arrogance making everyone equally annoyed. Seonghwa and Hongjoong chuckling in response knowing damn well that Wooyoung was dancing, but no one had to know.  San sighed in relief thinking he scared his own husband away, going with Jongho to their tent.

   " Don't disturb his sleep " said Jongho unwrapping the already clinging Wooyoung, down to his nest of blanket and pillows. San nodded going to lay on his side as Jongho covered Wooyoung with the blanket and proceeded to leave after seeing his prince comfortable. San became extra careful with the way he moved incase Wooyoung were to wake up, but he didn't fail to notice how cold Wooyoung looked. He took his own blanket and placed it carefully on him.

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