Chapter 17

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"I knew you,
Leavin' like a father,
Running like water"


"You get the cheeseballs?" Mateo asks Tk as we're prepping for our 126 night and Catan.

Tk turns to look at Mateo in disrespect "No, I didn't get the cheeseballs. Why would I get cheeseballs?"

Mateos's shoulders slump in disappointment and he whines out a small "Why not?"

"Because Mateo, my boyfriend goes to a lot of trouble to make us healthy snacks and provides us with a safe place for us to gather so we can at least have some human interaction in this uncertain age, and I'm not gonna spoil that with cheeseballs. Also, I forgot." I pat Mateos back in comfort as he leans down and pretends to sob.

His acting show is quickly over when he remembers the other thing that he asked for. "Did you remember the orange juice?"

"Yeah, I got it."

"Oh, you remember the orange juice,
but you forget the cheeseballs." He throws his hands up in surrender and looks and me with an 'unbelievable' look.

"It's not like they have all the orange stuff
in the same corner of the market, Probie." Marjans voice reaches Mateos's ears and he drops the subject.

Carlos and I are standing in the kitchen while Tk slams the groceries down on the bar. I look at Carlos and then shove him forward towards Tk to take care of him. "You seem a little stressed."

"Is it that noticeable?" Tk looks at Carlos and rubs his eyes.

"I noticed, and I'm pretty sure I haven't looked at you since you walked in." Marjan and Paul are both staring intensely at the screen as they fight to the death with their characters. Tk walks over to the living room and plops down in the chair.

"I had some trouble getting out of the house."


Paul takes his eyes off the screen for a second a looks at Tk. "That's still going on?"

I scoff and sit down on the arm of the couch next to Paul. "Please, it never stopped."

"Oh, if anything, it's worse. This morning Dad accused me of stealing his Naseberry Eye Exfoliant" My brother exaggerates the titles with his hands. Carlos brings his hands to Tk's shoulders and starts messaging them.

I shake my head at Tk's words "God do you have a death wish."

He throws his arm up to me "Exactly, but then this big argument started because Mom was on a call and Dad was too loud, and then Dad called Mom a squatter and—"

"Oh shit."


"And then blamed Dad for me getting shot, and then I just left."

Carlos rubs his fingers through Tk's hair to try to calm him down which seems to be working. "I'm sorry, babe."

"So why is she still here?" Marjan asks

Mateo's eyes are now stuck to the screen and his voice comes out monotoned. "Yeah, doesn't she run a big law firm in New York?"

"Well, New York was rough at first, and like most people, she's taking her meetings online and she doesn't have to be anywhere. Plus, my dad got cancer. She wanted to come and support him."

"By giving him another tumor?" I laugh at my joke but Tk only looks over in frustration.

Carlos sits down on the couch where Marjan was once sitting. "I don't know. I-I've seen them together. I think they like sparring. They're pretty well matched."

Heartache • Tk Twin Sister (A Fox 911 Lone Star/ Fox 911 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now