27 - The Talk - Channing Winstead

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"Tell me about you and Chace." She changes the subject about me.

I'm thinking. "Chace is hot. We both are hot for each other." I laugh while she rolls her eyes on me. "He's your best friend. You must have known from him."

"It's not like I meet him every day like you do. And I don't live with him in one room." She adds. "Most importantly, I don't really talk with him since the last time he ruined my relationship, again. Did I ever tell you about that?"

I drink my coffee. "You guys should work things out. Btw, how do you know we meet every day? And he ruined your relationship again? Gosh so many I need to catch up on."

"One by one, Channing. Sure I know, I don't need to prove that. Chace craves emotional and physical connection in relationship." She takes a sip of his coffee.

At first, Chace kind of reminded me of Sam at how they both like physical connection, holding hands, hugging, and kissing. But Chace isn't Sam at so many different ways. He balances both emotional and physical moments. Moreover, I do love him while I never did in any relationships I had before.

Chace and I like talking from nothing to everything. As talk active as he is, he's the best person to share and talk about anything. Chace gets me to open up. The most important difference is Chace respects the boundaries of the physical needs. Truthfully, he never does anything to me unless I let him and I happen to love his touch and kiss.

I chuckle. "That's agreeable especially the physical one."

"Hopefully you're not like his girls who always asked for more." She laughs.

"Ouch, Autumn! That surprisingly offends me." I press at where my heart is, pretending like I'm offended. I am honestly, just a bit. Then I ask her about how Chace ruined her relationships.

She tells me all the stories about how Chace broke every one of her relationships. He said her relationships were not healthy and the guys were the bad ones. I don't deny that. From Autumn's stories I know enough she's attracted to bad guys.

I pat her shoulder. "I'm sorry to say that I'm on his side for this one. It's very sweet of him doing that for you."

"Oh, please Channing! You've been his girlfriend for a week and now you worship him too." She shakes her head in disbelief then takes a sip of her coffee.

"What? No! I take side where I know is right." I defend myself because I know I'm right. "Richard is kind of hot too, can't you see that? And I think he's into you."

"Your ex-boyfriend is hot too but you dumped him for Chace. What do you see in Chace?" she nudges my arm. "You get my point?"

That gets me thinking. I blink my eyes once, twice. What do I see in Chace? I grunt. "Chace is different."

"Different how?"

"He's a considerate man. Very gentle. Respecful. Honest."

She cuts me right away. "You remember we're talking about Chace Alexander here. You make him sounds so great."

"Autumn, he's your best friend. Don't be so bitter like that." I shrug. "Chace is Chace, okay. There aren't enough words to describe him."

"You're in love with him." She concludes.

I respond without hesitation. "I can see that happening between you and Richard." I wink. "Mark my word."

She chuckles, waving hand in front of her showing how that isn't a possibility.

"Why not? He's the only good guy you have ever told me about." I grin. "Maybe with him things will be different. Chace will finally give you his approval." I'm nudging her arm. "Ooow isn't Chace the sweetest best friend ever? He cares about you."

"Stop admiring him. And his approval never means anything to me." She retorts.

As we pass a book store, we see the subject of our talk, Richard O'Connell, going in the store, with a girl. They seem to be close. "That girl isn't his sister." I hear Autumn mumbling.

"Why do you care? You don't like him anyway." I see Autumn is curious about Richard and 'his girl'. I grab Autumn's arm and pull her to follow me to the book store. "Let's find out."

"Are you kidding? Don't." Autumn is being persistent in resisting me. That I know she's stronger than me since it results nothing when I'm trying to pull her.

I let go of her arm. "Well, I'm going alone then." I walk away with confidence. "Besides I miss the smell of new books in the book store."

Autumn is being Autumn. Her being persistent reminds me of my father. She lets me go alone. When I step in the book store, I look back but no sign of Autumn. My confidence is dropping to the ground.

I don't really know Richard. I only met him twice when he was looking for Autumn and the other time when they were in the library. Fine, I'll just look for a book. There may be something that catches my eyes to add to my to-be-read list this summer.


Turning around to where the voice comes from, I smile back at the guy standing a few steps in front of me. Richard O'Connell gives me his friendly smile. He has two books on his hand. "Hi, you notice me."

"Autumn's roommate, Channing, right?"

I nod. "Yes." I see him without the girl he comes in this book store. "Are you here by yourself?" I ask pretending as if I don't know that I have seen him not alone before.

"I'm with a friend. She's an old friend, visiting Boston." He has that cute smile, showing his good boy aura. "Say, she asks me to accompany her getting around the city."

"Ah I see." I don't know what to respond more. "It's nice to meet you. I think I'll take my leave first."

"Nice to meet you too." He stops me just in time I wish he would say something about Autumn. "Channing, wait."


"Tell Autumn, I miss her. She doesn't answer my calls lately." He quickly adds. "I need to discuss about the project."

I smile. "Take it easy Richard. I think she has been quite busy with the works and stuffs going on at some clubs she's in. I myself barely have the chance to talk with her."

He assures me again. "I understand. Just please tell her to call me whenever she's available."

"Haha, will do."


Ps. last edited on May 7, 2017

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