A race with Adam?-huh? What rac- Oh- that's not it. My kind of nervous is a jittery feeling. Not a worried nervous feeling. I'm kinda excited for the race to be completely honest.

"How about we ask your mom if we can go to the skate park before the race? You know.....to get some practice?" Reki rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Sure why not" I said it with a smile on my face. I guess I'm just happy that I'm skating with Reki.

We went to the skate park and practiced some Ollie's and some tricks in case Adam decides to use his.

We went home trying to get ready before 12am. Since it's illegal skating it opens really late. I wore nothing fancy or different, just the same old outfit.

Shadow offered to pick us up, we said yes knowing that our parents can't drive us because it's a private skating area.

"So, you nervous?" Shadow brought up the race.

"Not really- kinda excited." I responded blankly

"You really excited to skate with that pedo freak?! I find him revolting." Shadow says. He's not wrong- but I don't respond to that.

Before we got to S we had to pick up Miya, Kaoru, and Kojiro. It was Reki's idea for us to all go together- but I'm pretty sure it was for us all to have a ride without worry.

We got to S and started walking towards the gate

"Sorry folks the track is closed because a tree fell!"

"But don't worry the races will be taking place on the other track."

The gate guard was pointing to a long pathway and if you look up you can see there's a road going through the mountains.

"What?!" Shadow yells.

"No way!" I hear from mini Cherry and Joe

It was a course in the mountains that was illuminated by these glowing dark colored crystals. But if you looked closer you can see there was an abyss in the middle.

"Is that really the track we're using for the race?" I said questioning Shadow

"It can't be! Let me call Joe."

He took out his phone and dialed Joe's number. All I heard was a gasp, "no way!", and " isn't that too dangerous?"

"Joe said something about it being the old S track." Shadow put his phone away.

"So it is true." We all look at Kojiro.

"This was the original S track that Kouru,Adam, and I used to skate on until the area got closed because it was to dangerous to go on or around."

If it was dangerous then, it must be extremely dangerous now. Guess a fallen tree won't stop Adam from racing.

I sighed and shook my head, preparing myself mentally for the tournament. While walking to the starting line I hear girls shrieking saying "SNOW!!!"
and "REKIII". Reki also raced against Adam and barely lost. He put up a fight and gave an extremely entertaining race.

We continue walking until we got to the starting line. It look darker than usual. There was a cross smack in the middle of the line. Everything was calm until Adam came out. He wasn't wearing his usual clown looking outfit. It was a skeleton one and his board was in the shape in a coffin- either way it didn't make him look or act any less of a joke.

"Hello little Langa." He gave me a bouquet of flowers, black ones. I took them and was about to offer them to Reki until I remembered they were black- and Shadow took them from me.

He suddenly noticed Kaoru and Kojiro were there.
He started skating towards Kaoru.

"My~ My~ My~ What are you doing here Kouru?" He said skating around him in a circle.

He put his hand on Kaoru's shoulder but it got slapped off by none other than Kaoru himself.

"Get the off me, you fucking disgust me."

We all looked at him with a shocked look in our face. Adam however just gave a frown and skated back to where I was.

Lets go to the starting line Langa, it's just up that hill." He put his arm around my shoulder and pointed up.

I sighed, leaving Shadow,Miya,Kouru, Kojiro, and- Reki.

"GOODLUCK!" Reki shouts as I smile.

We get to the starting line about to start until Adam started to speak again.

"Good luck Snow!" He came up close to my ear. "You'll need it~" (EWWWWWW)

A/N - OMG THAT LAST PART GOT ME GAGGING The race might not be exactly accurate, but I'm changing it to my liking (it won't be all different tho)

I just wanted to give y'all a pov from Langa- I promise that we will be back to Matcha Blossom in the next chapter or in the one after that.

If you liked it don't forget to vote as it really helps! And comment if you have any!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Remember to drink water and stay healthy!

Thank you for reading<3

Word count: 1387 (I made this one a little longer to make up for the lateness of this chapter lol)

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