Arc VI - Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

Jarold: Yes sir.

With that, we were off to my house. I might call the others and keep them a little closer than I normally would. My mind just wouldn't allow me to forget those made up scenarios of Evelynn getting them instead. It's so annoying what my mind does to me sometimes. I needed to distract myself with something. I glance up at Kai'sa who was just looking down at me blankly.

Kai'sa: Is there something you need?

Y/N: No. I'm just curious.

Kai'sa: About?

Y/N: You and Ahri never got rid of your facial marks. For her, I believe it's more cultural. For you though, it's different.

She looks up for a moment, giving me time to examine her hair. It looked way better than when we first met. We can ditch the makeup she has for some reason, thanks Riot, and change her hairstyle up. I could use some more practice braiding hair since I haven't done that in a while. Thinking about her hair made me think about all the girls. There are a lot of them and Riven still isn't use to things around her. Maybe they should have a girls night out soon and introduce her to the simple pleasures.

Kai'sa: Too be honest, I don't remember why I have them. It could just be part of my weird design but I'll see about getting rid of them. It would help make me look normal.

It might be a little weird without them while she has the suit on but that's not what concerns me. The word normal then reminded me of what Travis and Carl said earlier so I got up and pulled out my phone. A quick scroll through the news feed told me exactly what I figured would happen.

Y/N: Government agents find and take mystery killer of Ohio into custody. Now investigating methods of mass murder across the state.

Kai'sa: That's suspicious.

Y/N: With little to no explanation again.

I might go and press that Secret Rioter for answers. It is about time I confront them on this stuff. I may also go to bed early so I can speak with A-Sol. His input will be very helpful. From there, I'll need to start forming a schedule for us to work off of since there are pressing matters on both Earth and Runeterra. Not having a schedule and running off to Runeterra cause I'm having a breakdown has caused enough messes to last me too much time.

Riven: Should we prepare for the worst?

Y/N: No. For now, we're going to try and relax. Once this whole thing blows over, we should be back to good old annoying Ohio.

I'll actually be happy to see that too. This ghost town full of fear and paranoia is bad for everyone. It may be a couple of weeks before things are back to normal though that's being generous. If we're unlucky, it could be a few months or longer. Hopefully, it isn't that long. I'd rather not live through another pandemic-like situation for at least another decade. I then got a text from the group chat talking about it.

SigmaMemer: Please tell me you kitties saw.

Agodlypancake: Kinda hard not to when it's all people are talking about.

DaSauceGod: I just got finished reading the article I found.

Agodlypancake: I suspected this was going to happen sooner or later. While it does solve the issue with the masses, it creates more questions.

ShatteredEye: Lemme guess, is the government in on this? Is it actually the Voice or maybe the Secret Rioter?

Agodlypancake: That sounds about right.

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