Chapter 12

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"Good morning Rajan." Viren greeted cheerfully. Rajan was placing plates on the table when he looked up to see Viren fully dressed in his work attire coming down. It was 8:00 am. He could not believe his eyes. He was so shocked that he didn't even realise that the plate he was holding in his hands slipped out of his hand and fell down.

Viren laughed at him and came and sat on the dinning table.

"You are not going to work are you Sir Viren?" Rajan came hurriedly to the where Viren just sat.

"Ofcourse Rajan I am going to work. Why would I get up so early then?"

"But Sir Viren, you don't go to work often. And even if you go it's not this early. You don't even get up till noon."

Rajan was now looking at Viren suspiciously. One because Viren was going to office early in the morning and two he was happy about it. There was something suspicious about it. But he let it go.

"It's good to surprise people sometimes Rajan. Now get my breakfast I have to leave."

"Umm do you want me to call your guest as well?" Rajan asked as he was about to leave.

"What guest…? Myra? That b***h didn't leave?"

"Umm. No Sir Viren."

"Well then you tell her to get lost like a good host that you are. And I don't want to see her here when I get back. Clear?"

Viren spoke as calmly as possible. He was in good mood and didn't want to spoil it because of Myra.

He didn't wait for Rajan's reply and just left. But he heard Rajan saying how could he do that. He just ignored it.

"Goo…Good morning Sir?" His secretary Jenny wished him when she saw him getting out of the elevators.

He saw same reaction on her face that he had seen on few more faces when he was entering his office building.

He didn't acknowledge her and went straight to his cabin. Jenny came running behind him and stood in front of him not sure what to say or expect.

When he looked at her she gave him her practiced smile and he also noticed that from the little distance from her cabin to her desk Jenny had already lost two top buttons of her shirt.

He gave her a disgusting look. But she didn't notice or may be just ignored it.

He liked to keep his personal life and professional life separate. Jenny was good at work. She had managed everything in his absence so well that he didn't want to fire her.

"What can I do for you Sir?" She tried to give him the best seductive look.

God for heaven's sake. It happened one time. And he has already forgotten about it long back.

That was when he was at work and his father had come to his cabin barging. They had a heated argument. He was so frustrated that he didn't think what he was doing. She had asked him same way she did now and it happened. He f***ked her.

But that was long back. She needs to understand that it won't happen again. Ever.

"Get me the details of all the ongoing and upcoming projects." He commanded in a strict and professional voice which made her stand back dumbfounded. She blinked her eyes once then again and finally she got hold of herself.

"Ye…yes Sir." She stammered a little.

Viren sighed and leaned back on his chair. While waiting for the files he decided to call Pooja.

He dialled but there was no answer. He wanted to call again but may be she was sleeping. She works till late night and her shift starts at 2:00 pm. So definitely she must be sleeping.

He didn't want to disturb her so he decided to wait for her call. She will definitely call back when she sees his missed call.

After few minutes Jenny came with few files in both her hands and kept it on his desk bending a little to give him a perfect view of her cleavage.

God woman have some self-respect.

"These are some files you might want to look and the others will be delivered in few minutes. I have also mailed you the details you will need."

He gave a nod dismissing her.

She turned to leave when he called her.

"And Ms. Jenny… next time a knock on the door will be appreciated."

"Yes Sir." She mummered quietly and left closing the door behind her.

When he opened his email his inbox was flooded with unread mails.

"God, why do so many people use emails in this day and age."

He checked all the mails, went through all the projects and selected a few upcoming onces he would like to work upon.

The day has passed and Viren took the files to his father's office on the top floor. All the staff had almost left. He didn't see Rita his father's secretary anywhere so he went directly and knocked.

After he got a reply he went in. His father had not noticed him he was still busy with his work.

Viren went and sat in front of him and placed the files on the desk.

Vijay stopped his work took off his glasses and leaned back in his chair waiting for Viren.

"I want to work on these projects." Viren said motioning towards the files.

Vijay gave him a big smile.

"I see Myra is doing something good there."

His father's statement pissed him but he didn't want to have a fight now.

"Myra has got nothing to do with me and I want to work on these projects."

"Ofcourse. Let's keep professional and personal life separate." He said with amusement.

"And… the projects are yours." He was still smiling.

"Just like that. You are not even going to see what projects are these?"

His father sighed.

"Viren, you are my heir. You are the one one is going to run this empire after me. So I have no doubt you will do your best. Plus I know you were studying these files from morning."

"Okay then." Viren picked all the files he had brought while getting up to leave.

"And I am never going to marry Myra for any reason. So stop interfering in my personal life and don't ever give my address to anyone without my permission."

He said and stormed out. His father had not said anything. He was even surprised when his father didn't comment on his broken lip and a purple eye which was healed to some extent.

He came to his office and checked his phone. She had still not called him back. He had checked his phone a few times but later he got so busy with work that he had almost forgotten about it.

He checked the time, it was 7:20pm. So she must be at the cafe right now. He was hungry since he has skipped his lunch, so he decided to meet her at the cafe and eat something with her.

But to his disappointment Pooja had taken leave today and was not receiving his phone calls. He was worried and pissed at her at the same time.

He wanted to go to her place and look for her but decided to give her some space and went home.

She is definitely getting a scolding for this tomorrow.


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