Chapter Thirty Three

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I've spent the entire morning working in reference today

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I've spent the entire morning working in reference today.

It's not like there's anything terrible about working there. I don't mind helping people find reference materials. In some ways, it's better than it is on the main floor, where I'm faced with an onslaught of books being checked out and returned. It's quiet down here.

It's a perfect place for someone like me. A monster who nobody wants to look at.

Yash wasn't at the library on Tuesday or yesterday. Savitri mentioned he was looking for me on Monday, but it looks like he didn't return. He's given up quickly. How long could he possibly fight for a girl he doesn't want in the first place?

I don't want to think about him anymore. It's over. I'll get over it. Someday.


A teenaged girl comes up to the desk, dressed in the tightest clothes I've ever seen. Her jeans cling to her skinny legs and I'm impressed she's gotten a tank top that tiny onto her body. The face looking down at me has far too much makeup for a girl her age.

"Hi," she says.

"Hi," I say. "Can I help you?"

"Um, yeah. I have any essay due for my economics class." "Sure," I say as I log in to the idle computer. I like helping kids with their assignments. "What do you need? Books? Do you want me to help you find some websites?"

She cocks her head thoughtfully. "Could you type it for me?"

I stare at her. "Type it for you?"

She nods.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I can't do that. But I can help you get set up with a computer so you can type it yourself. Okay?"

The girl sighs loudly. "Okay. I guess."

I get her over to one of our computers. I find some websites relevant to her topic, and show her how to open up Microsoft Word.

"When you're ready to print, let me know and I'll come help you," I say to her.

The girl gapes at me. "You mean... you're leaving me?"

"Well, yes..."

"But you haven't even started writing my essay yet!"

I frown at her. "I can't write your essay for you. You have to write it yourself."

"You're so lazy!" she cries.

"I apologize but I'm not allowed to write your essay for you."

"But you work here!" she sputters. "And you're just sitting there at the desk, doing nothing !"

I'm speechless. I literally do not know what to say to this girl.

At that moment, Kunal appears at the doorway to the reference floor. My heart sinks. The last thing I want right now is for my boss to see this girl berating me. Sometimes I think my life can't get any more unpleasant.

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