Side Story: Dazzling Beauty

Start from the beginning

Pomu seemed to be wondering about something. "So this is the girl I've heard so much about. I thought you were lying when you said she was cute," the fairy said.

"Why would I be lying about that? Weine is one of, if not the cutest, girls I know!" Kiara sighed

"I know-I know by now I should understand your one state of mind is cute girls, but still, she's drop dead gorgeous," Pomu stated.

Anya looked at me in shock as she noticed I was in a daze, and she began to shake me intensely. "Focus Reine!" She said it in a loud whisper. She then slapped me a little bit to make me come back to reality.

"Sorry..." I told her as my mind re-entered my body.

"Reine, aren't you cold?" Kiwawa asked me as she stared at my body. I looked down and saw my exposed stomach and my exposed feet.

"Well, I am a little chilly," I replied to her. Kiara took off her black wooly jacket and draped it around my body, zipping it up so it would at least cover my upper half more. Won't you be cold?" I asked

She shook her head. "I'm a phoenix, and the only reason I brought the jacket is because the school required it," she laughed.

I felt really warm, as if she had hugged me. "Is this insulated?" I asked

"It is that I absorb my body heat, which is always really hot, and it then insulates the inside," Kiara explained.

"Reine, why didn't you wear your warm clothes in the first place?" Anya questioned

"Well, I did bring them as it was mandatory; however, remember that I handed my jacket to Ollie for a second and then she disappeared with it." I laughed.

"Wait... can Ollie even feel cold?" Kiara questioned

"I mean, Mumei would probably say no because she doesn't have pain receptors," I said.

Kiara laughed at my comment. "Yeah," She said cheerfully.

"Speaking of that Mumei girl, where is she?" Pomu asked

"Well, I saw her and talked to her; she said something about wanting to go somewhere called an icicle cave," Kiara mentioned.

"She took Zeta, Kronii, and Fauna with her as well," I added.

"I don't know who those people are!" Pomu yelled

"I could possibly take you to them," a familiar girl said. I looked, and immediately my heart skipped a beat.

Moona-senpai stood there, her hair flowing in the breeze. The silver snow landed in her hair, making an illusion of stars in a beautiful galaxy.

"You know where she is, senpai?" Anya wondered

"I guess..." Moona-senpai replied to us.

"What do you mean by I guess?" Kiara questioned

"I mean, I don't definitely know my way to the icicle cave; I just know it exists, and I can sense Zeta from her," Moona stated.

"Wait... how?" Anya asked

"I just feel like it," Moona-senpai stated.

Anya didn't seem to want to accept that, but Moona-senpai reminded Kris that she is stronger than her, so she has to agree with her about being able to sense Zeta

"Didn't Mumei say she didn't want to be bothered?" I questioned only getting a nod from Kiara.

"I mean, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if the two of us dropped by, but I don't think she would be happy to have all five of us coming to see her," Kiara said.

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