12 ~ Losing you

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A couple of months have passed since new-years, it was now almost the end of March. There was another transfer student that arrived in February, her name was Aiura. She was psychic and seemed nice but she was always flaunting her powers. In-fact you even tried to become friends with her but she almost exposed you as a psychic, the same happened with Kusuo. But when she was with Kusuo she acted as if they were dating, not that you cared or anything. You've been distancing yourself from them ever since she transferred, you thought maybe it was for the better that Kusuo gets a girlfriend.

You walked to class by yourself while trying your best to ignore all the thoughts storming into your head. You froze outside your classroom door as you seen Aiura sitting on Kusuo's desk. She smirked as she looked away from him to glance over at you. "Y/N, come over here!" she said while waving you over, you hesitated before slowly coming towards them. "Guess what Y/N!" Aiura whispered excitedly while getting off of Kusuo's desk. "Are you guys finally dating? I didn't bring a gift yet," you said as she blushed and mumbled a soft "I hope!" but Kusuo interrupted, 'Its not like that.' His words were rather harsh but it didn't matter since Aiura ignored him. "Kusuo needs your help," she said in a teasingly manner as you sighed. "You can help him with it," you said before walking to your seat and sitting down. "Y/N!! Don't be like that," Aiura whined while shaking your shoulders. "It's fine, you like him right? You can have him, it's not a big deal," you whispered as the first bell rang and Aiura ran off to her class.

'Are you ignoring me?' Kusuo's voice echoed in your head as you ignored him. He should've been paying attention in class but he kept pestering you. 'What are you upset about, you can talk to me Y/N.' he said after a few minutes of silence, but you ignored him again. Surely he would get the hint this time... 'Stop ignoring me.' he demanded as you fixed your posture and opened your notebook.

Class seemed to be longer than usual but, you didn't mind since you made plans with Kaidou and Nendou; unfortunately Aren was unable to come. "Y/N!" Kaidou whispered while throwing a paper at your head but miserably failing. You turned around and put a finger to your lips as the bell rang. "Let's go!" Kaidou said while rushing over to your desk, Kusuo joined him as you gathered your stuff. "Where are we going?" you asked as Nendou came over with an address written on a paper. "The new ramen place, Nendou has it..." Kaidou trailed off as Kusuo tapped your shoulder. "Let's go," you said while ignoring Kusuo, whatever it was probably didn't concern you. 'Y/N we need to talk.' Kusuo demanded as you followed Kaidou and Nendou out of the classroom. "Talk to me later, I have plans."

You felt bad after ignoring Kusuo but you didn't think about it too much as you were having fun with the other 2. You all ate and talked about your plans for spring-break. "I haven't planned too much," you said as Kaidou mentioned a Vacation to Oshimai. "We should go there!" Nendou said while eating his 2nd bowl of ramen. "The girls and Aren already agreed to go on April 9th-11th!" Kaidou said happily as you hesitated while hearing the dates. "I can go, what about you Y/N?" Nendou said as you nodded. "I'm available, but what about Saiki?" you asked as they shrugged and said he would come along.

You 3 finished eating and decided to go your separate ways, but you were interrupted by Kusuo finding you. "What did you need?" you asked as you could feel his warm hand on your shoulder. 'You need to help me to save Japan.' "Stop joking, it's not funny Saiki." you mumbled as his grip tightened. 'I'm not joking, a volcano will erupt on April 10th and destroy Japan.' "You can do it by yourself, I mean your so strong and powerful." you said mockingly as he furrowed his brows. 'I need you to help me.' "Go ask your girlfriend, Aiura." you retorted while pushing his hand off your shoulder. 'We aren't dating.' "It doesn't seem like it, it doesn't matter Saiki." 'Stop calling me Saiki, I thought we were closer than that Y/N.' "We were, but not anymore. I'm over everything Saiki, go find someone else."

You looked into his eyes and watched his face turn cold before you walked away. If he couldn't stop it this year, everything would just repeat. If you got a chance to relive this year, you would've chose to go to a different school.

Days have passed and you didn't speak to Kusuo at all. It was only a few days before spring-break and you found out Kusuo would be joining the trip along with Saiko; you weren't sure how he was invited but you hoped not to see him.

"Y/N!" you heard Teruhashi call out for you as you were waiting outside the school-building. "Have you started packing for the trip yet? Yumehara and I wanted to invite you to go shopping with us." she said with a smile. "Sorry but I've already finished packing, i'll see you guys on the trip." you said trying to get her to leave  but she didn't get the hint. "Do you have an umbrella? It's raining pretty hard..." she trailed off as you walked away and through the rain. If it meant she would leave you alone you would've done almost anything.

You used pyrokinesis to heat your body so you wouldn't get sick, but you were still shivering as you walked home. 'Y/N,' Kusuo's voice rang throughout your head as the rain stopped hitting you. 'I need your help,' he reminded as you looked over at him. "Are you serious? The first thing you talk to me about after days is about needing my help?" you remark while watching his hair slide down over his face. "I don't need you to pity me, you wouldnt need my help." you mumbled while pushing his hand that was holding the umbrella away from you. 'Y/N, you're just not understanding it.' "You need my help so badly?" you said, cutting him off. There was a few seconds of silence before you whispered, "then I'll help you."

'Thank you Y/N.' "I'm only doing it because I don't like you." you retorted as he wrapped his hand around your cheek. "Let go of me Kusuo," you demanded as he blushed and dropped his hand. 'Sorry you just looked cold,' you touched the spot on you cheek that he was holding, it was very hot. You knew you were blushing and just tried to make up an excuse. "Stop staring at me, you look like a creep." 'You just called me Kusuo after 4 months.' "Wow... you are a creep. How do you remember the last time I called you by your name?" 'It's not important.' "Okay, whatever you weirdo."

Immortal ~ Saiki K. • ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now