10 ~ Yearning for Love

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It was now the fourth day of winter-break, you haven't done anything significant—as usual. You thought about messaging your friends and making plans to meet up but you couldn't stop thinking about Saiki. It wasn't the usual thoughts either, of course you would think about his abilities and what-not but this was different. Everytime you thought about him you could feel your heart beat quicken and you started sweating. Maybe he cursed you or something like that, was that why you couldn't hear him the other-day?

'Y/N' a voice echoed in your head as you turned around to see Saiki sitting on your bed. "What are you doing here—Why are you in my room—Get your shoes off my bed!" You shrieked as he stood up, he was clearly annoyed with your nonstop rambling. 'Can he hear it?' you thought while resisting the urge to put a hand over your heart. 'Calm down, I just came to check if you were back to normal' He said as you blushed. 'So he did hear it,' you thought as you swore you could also hear his heart beating faster than usual.

"I'm fine, you can leave now. But you shouldn't just appear in peoples' room's like that..." you trailed off as his expression softened. 'Why not? You clearly weren't doing anything important,' "So you were spying on me!? What if I was changing or something!" you retorted as he gave you a look of disgust. 'You're right for once, I certainly don't want to see that.' he remarked as you recalled something he said in the past, "I thought you could see inside of me?" 'I cant see through you, but I can see through everyone else.' "Wow, you really are creepy..."

He left shortly after hearing your doorbell ringing non-stop. "Ms. Y/N, someone is here to see you" the guard said as you walked downstairs. "My dear Y/N, how have you been?" an annoying voice asked as he came into your sight. "Why are you here Saiko," you demanded as he furrowed his brows. "Are we not on first name basis? Call me Metori from now on," he complained as you sighed. "This is a small house you have, even my closest is bigger..." he said while looking around. "I don't like to flaunt my wealth around like you, but I could easily buy you and your family so I recommend you leave, now." you mumbled as he took off his shoes.

"That's not how you greet your boyfriend," he remarked as you cringed. "We arent dating, get out of my house before I force you to leave," you demanded as he was roughly grabbed by one of your guards. "Don't come back."

He was taken care of as you made your way back to your room. 'He thinks we're dating still? I never loved that weirdo.' you thought as you stopped and stood outside your room. 'Love? Is that what i'm feeling towards Saiki?' you thought while opening your door. You looked at the spot on your bed where Saiki was sitting earlier, your heart still quickened at the thought of him. "I should stop lying to myself," you whispered as your phone rang.

"Hello?" you said into your phone as a few voices responded on the other end. "Y/N! Do you want us to stop by so we can all go to Saiki's together?" Kaidou asked as you heard Nendou talking about food in the background. "Actually i'm already at Saiki's house." you said while teleporting nearby his house. You said goodbye to them and apported some cash for a box of cookies as a gift. You decided to wait outside for everyone else to arrive.

"Y/N!" Aren called out as Kaidou was walking slowly behind him and Nendou. "How have you guys been?" you asked with a smile as they rang the doorbell. "Are you Ku's friends?" Mrs. Saiki asked while peering out the door. "Please come in!" she said happily as you seen some pink hair sticking out from somewhere behind her. "I brought these, thank you for having us." you said while handing Mrs. Saiki the box of cookies. She thanked you as you noticed Saiki staring at you.

'I thought you would forget to show up,' Saiki teased from afar while you took off your shoes and coat with everyone else. 'I wouldn't forget if you were involved,' you added as the doorbell rang again. This time it was Teruhashi and some guy standing next to her, he was wearing some sort of headband and it looked stupid but also familiar. "Big Ku!" Mrs. Saiki called out excitedly while embracing the blonde in a hug. "Is this your girlfriend?" she asked while looking at Teruhashi who was violently shaking her head. "I'm just a classmate of Saiki's!" she said as they all shuffled inside. "I didn't know my Ku had so many friends!" she cheered as you got a headache.

"It's good to see you have so many friends Kusuo," the blonde haired guy who was called 'Big Ku' teased. As he walked past you your headache only grew yet it faded when he was further, there was something going on with him. "Y/N, I didn't know you were close with Saiki and his family," Teruhashi said with her signature smile as you shrugged. "Y/N! Teruhashi! Come join us," Aren called out as Kaidou was acting like a normal person for once. You followed Teruhashi in joining the others before you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Who are you?" the blonde asked, his hand was shocking you but it seemed he wasn't aware as you read his mind. 'She's not normal,' is all you could hear before you pushed his hand off and the headache returned. "I'm a friend of Kusuo's, i'm sure you noticed that he has some right?" you remarked as he looked you up and down as if searching for something suspicious. "Sorry, it's nice to meet you Y/N" he said trying to act normal as you smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, Kusuke was it?" you added as you realized this wasn't the first time you've met. He noticed you knew his name without him mentioning it but he didn't interrogate you about it.

His friendly manner made you question yourself for awhile, but you were sure after he said your name. He was that freak obsessed with supernatural abilities and robots.

You joined the others around the table and made a few jokes while trying to ignore your pounding headache. You were sitting between the brothers which didn't make it any better, you could practically see their tensed auras. It didn't help that Kusuke kept touching your arm whenever Kusuo was looking at you. You didn't do anything to stop Kusuke because it wasn't as if you were dating Kusuo, and it didn't hurt to have Kusuo notice you more.

"I'm glad my Ku has so many friends!" Mrs. Saiki said before continuing, "It's always been hard for him to make friends since he's a Psychic and all." You sneezed as she was finishing her sentence, you could tell what she was going to say. "Sorry we couldn't hear you," Teruhashi apologized while glaring at you. "Ku's just so shy!!" Mrs. Saiki said nervously as you looked over at Kusuo. 'You owe me next time.' you told him telepathically, 'I thought you said I don't need to pay you back?' 'That was a joke. You can pay me back by getting this creep to leave me alone.' you retorted as Kusuke grabbed your shoulder for probably the millionth time in the last hour. 'I can't deal with him, is there any other way to repay you?' Kusuo said in a jokingly manner. 'You could take me on a date, but I wouldn't want to be seen with you.' you added while eyeing him. 'If it's only us then I wouldn't mind.'

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