3.| Syera

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"A queen should always wake up before her subjects

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"A queen should always wake up before her subjects."
"A queen works for her people."
"A queen lives a life worth mentioning."

I jolt up awake. From the recurring nightmares, I have been having every night since my first speech as crowned princess. I look at the clock and sigh in relief. It was already four thirty in the morning. I didn't have to put myself back to sleep again. The pain sleep brings me is far greater than the pain I feel wide awake. I feel relieved knowing I am not lazing around when the poor starve and the laborer's work for their daily bread.

I pull my knees up to chest and rest my head on my knees. Reminiscing the times when mum would walk into the bed chamber and softly brush my hair back. And hum sweetly to put me back to sleep. She always knew when my responsibilities got the best of me and when I had my  nightmares. To the world she maybe the unbending Queen Selena. But to me, Addie and Phil she was the best mother we could ever ask for. She was always there when we needed her most.

I close my eyes and breath in softly as I recollect our conversations.

"Mum... what is a queen?"

She softly wiped away my tears and cupped my face in her palms. Making me look into her ocean blue eyes. Filled with warmth and love. With reassurance and confidence.

"My little angel... A queen is strong, powerful and most of all merciful. She is not who people want her to be. She is who people will need regardless. She is divine and beautiful both from within and out."

I look at her confused.

"Mum... but that is not what the teacher or anyone else told me."

My mother laughed gently. Her laughs a symphony of colours and joy.

"My angel... Then I have a question for you. 'Does a crown make a queen? Or does the queen make her crown?'"

I looked at her speechless. What she asked bewildered me to my very core. It shook everything I believed. It tilted my existence. A single question.
She leaned forward to give me a gentle kiss on my forehead and then looked into my eyes once again.

"Syera Annabella Florence... Think about this question very carefully. Never forget it. You may not have an answer now. But one day you will have your answer. And that day you will be the queen you never even thought was inside you all along."

A harsh knock on my door stops my train of beautiful memories. I feel the absence of my parents wash over me again. The melancholy and pain that hasn't left me since the evening we heard this news on at our dinner. I composed my voice ensuring there wasn't a single tremor in it. Like the ones I feel in my heart every time I have to look into my duties these days.

"Yes. You may come in."

There is a brief moment of silence and the doors to my bed chamber open wide and Cleo and the group of attendants walk inside the room.

"Your highness. The royal advisor has requested you to meet him in the dining hall at sharp seven. He has asked your majesty to wear her finest meeting attire. He wanted you to be aware that the owner of Callisto Conglomerates along with his secretary and his friend will meet you today."

I nod curtly at Cleo. To show my sign of approval to her words. Everyone walks out of the bed chambers and I am left in my own company again.

"Funny how I am the one designing this crown for myself and selecting who makes it for me. But the day it is made. It will define me and not the other way round."




I walk into the dining halls at seven sharp. And find Vincent standing there alone. Looking at the portrait to my parents.

"Uncle... You summoned me?"

He turned in the composed way he always has. And raises his hand up to gesture all other attendants to leave us alone.

"Syera... I am well aware of how you have been torturing yourself. You haven't been sleeping well at night."

I look at him perplexed by the fact that he was aware of the very thing I have been trying my hardest to hide from him.

He stalks up closer to me and rests his hand on my head. His eyes showing raw pain.

"Syera, you have always been my angel. My sweetheart. And most of all my god daughter. Do you understand that, I can't see harm even cross paths with you or let you harm yourself. I know it is wrong. I hope you will pour the misery your heart holds to me one day. But for now smile. You do realise that you are the sunshine of this palace."

We hear a scoff behind us.

"Uncle Vincie... I thought I was your sunshine. My little heart is damaged and shred to pieces."

Audrey dramatically fans herself and then looks like she is trying to push back her tears. Philip who stands beside her frowns at her for a moment.

"You and Sunshine? WHERE?!"

Andrew who was standing beside Philip and Audrey purses his lips together. Trying hard to hide the smile on his face and act professional.

Uncle Vincent shakes his head in dismay.

"Phil is right Addie. You are the devil at play here. The chaos you cause has the palace shrieking."

That's when we all burst into a fit of laughter and Audrey pouts angrily.

"No fair!!! You all always gang up against me!!"

"It's not called gang against Addie when you literally pull insults your way."

Philip tells her amidst his laughter and she slaps his chest which only makes him laugh harder. Wiping away the tears of laughter I look at uncle Vincent who is looking at all of us with a gentle smile.

"Uncle Vincent... I will tell you when I muster up the courage for sure. Didn't you have something to tell me about the meeting with Mr. Callisto?"

He pauses for a second and then proceeds to speak in a professional tone.

"Your highness, Mr.Callisto and Mr.Sokolov are waiting for you at your office."

I nod wearily and look at the Audrey and Philip bickering like usual, while Andrew tried to solve the mess. I felt pity to leave Andrew to manage these two adult kids. But duty calls. Or more like the crown calls?

Me and Vincent leave them be and walk towards the office. As soon as we stand at the door. I feel a spark through me. I am probably just too nervous. I look at uncle Vincent one last time and ask with a shaky voice.

"How do I look uncle?"

He pauses for a second.

"You look royal and divine like no other, Angel."

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