Oneshot 5) Comfort (Fluff)

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From- "Didn't Know Where Else To Go"

Characters- Tarian (T) & Dex (Mandex)

⚠Cussing, crying⚠


"Tarian, I'm home!" Dex called as he walked inside the house.

He had just gotten back from a meeting with a few other villains, informing them of his and Tarian's new arrangement so they knew that he was now one hundred percent off limits and if they hurt him in any way then they would be a goner.

Tarian stayed home because he was still asleep and Dex decided it was better for him to rest and left a note explaining where he was and when he would get back.

He had left at eight in the morning and it was now almost one-thirty in the afternoon, though that's what the note said so Tarian wasn't too worried.

Dex walked into the house after kicking off his shoes at the door, not wanting to track in any dirt.

"Love? Where are you at?" He called out as his eyes scanned the living room.

After his call, Tarian came into the room from his bedroom.

He didn't say anything in greeting, instead, he wrapped his arms around Dex's torso tightly and nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck.

"Are you okay baby boy? I'm sorry I was out for so long." Dex said, concern slipping through his tone as he wrapped his arms around T's shoulders just as tightly as T was hugging him.

Tarian hummed shortly in acknowledgement but it sounded forced and like he had something caught in his throat.

"Can I pick you up?" Dex asked getting a nod in response.

So Dex picked Tarian up by his thighs making him wrap his legs around him to make sure he didn't fall.

"Do you want to go to my bedroom or yours?" Dex asked as he walked down the hallway their rooms were on.

Tarian pointed to Dex's chest as his reply, deciding it best to go non-verbal for now so he wouldn't have to fight against the lump of tears in his throat.

"My room?" Dex asked making sure he was right.

T nodded so Dex brought them into his bedroom, sitting down on the bed and pulling Tarian into his lap as he did so.

Tarian cuddled closer to Dex as soon as Dex sat down, keeping his legs wrapped tightly to his lower back while his arms were wrapped tightly to his upper torso, his head still nuzzled against his neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dex asked as he moved his arms so they were wrapped around the middle of T's back.

Tarian shook his head 'no' as his grip tightened even more, almost suffocating Dex.

Dex didn't say a word about the pressure though, he decided he would rather pass out than tell Tarian he needed to loosen his grip when he was in this state of mind.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asked as he began to rub small circles on T's back, his touch light and gentle.

"H-hold me-ee, closer?" Tarian choked out as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, my Love." Dex complied and brought Tarian so close that their chests were completely flush against each other.

Dex was extremely concerned for Tarian but if he didn't want to talk about it then he wasn't going to push it. He would tell him in his own time if he wanted to and if not then he was still going to do his best to feel better.

"Is this better?" Dex asked, his voice gentle as he moved one of his hands to run through Tarian's hair.

Tarian nodded though Dex could feel his shoulder grow wet with his silent tears.

"I don't know what's wrong or what happened but I swear to you, if it was someone that did this to you then I will make them pay," Dex stated, his voice still gentle though his aura was now angered rather than just concerned like it was before.

Tarian shook his head 'no' once again, letting Dex know that it wasn't someone else that did this to him.

"If it was your own brain that did this to you though, I want to help you fight the demons. I know your mind is a terrible place sometimes and I will do everything in my power to help you be truly happy again." He continued, his aura changing once again. Now it was full of concern, earnestness, and love.

Tarian kissed his neck softly, showing that that was the correct answer as to what caused him to act this way.

"I love you, I truly love you so much. I think about you all the time, how to protect you from the evils of the world, how to make you smile, how breathtaking you always look, how you're mine, and how lucky I am because of it." Dex rambled, deciding that if Tarian's brain was being a bitch then he was going to fight fire with water and try his best to make him only think about good things.

Tarian kissed him again, a little harder this time but it was still rather gentle, a silent "I love you too" gesture.

"I love your voice, I love when you talk about things you enjoy, I love how your eyes light up whenever you see something you like, I love how you interact so wholesomely with animals, I love how shy you get whenever you want something, I love how when you come over to me at random times during the day just to cuddle me, I love you. I love every single thing about you, no matter how little or big that thing is. I. Love. You." Dex stated, planting a kiss on the top of Tarian's head after each word at the end.

By now Tarian had stopped crying and his grip on Dex had loosened slightly, enough so he could breathe properly again.

"You are not only my world, you are all of my stars, and my entire universe. I love you to infinity and beyond and back again." Dex said, his tone extremely calming and full of nothing but absolute love and adoration.

Tarian pulled his head back from Dex's neck and kissed him, the kiss was full of love, compassion, and need.

"I love you so much, thank you," Tarian said when they pulled away from the kiss, his voice shook and broke through the short sentence but he pushed through, wanting Dex to know that he truly loved him too.

"Anything for you my Love." Dex smiled softly before Tarian pulled him into another kiss, still not quite realizing the weight of Dex's words.

He would -and has- killed for him, but he would also live for him and would honestly do anything to make him happy and keep him safe. Just his word alone would seal the deal on anything he wanted Dex to do and he would do it with a smile on his face knowing that he's giving Tarian what he wants.

When the two pulled apart from the kiss this time, Dex moved his hand from Tarian's hair to cup his face, wiping the tears off of his face gently with his thumb.

"Do you want some lunch or do you want to take a nap?" Dex asked figuring Tarian was probably tired after all the crying and whatever was going on inside his mind.

"A nap please," Tarian said as he nuzzled his head back into the crook of Dex's neck.

"Of course Love." Dex hummed before unwrapping Tarian's legs from his waist and laying down so his legs wouldn't get crushed by his weight.

Now that they were laying down, Tarian tangled their legs together as he moved so he was laying directly on top of Dex, and wrapped his arms around his chest, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Sleep well Love," Dex said as he wrapped one arm around Tarian's upper back, his other hand running through Tarian's hair.

Tarian hummed in response before falling into a peaceful slumber.

Later Dex would wake Tarian for dinner and they would cuddle, Tarian in Dex's lap, while they eat and watch a movie.

For now, though, they would both rest and enjoy the comforting embrace their lover provided them.


1,391 Words!

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