03|Twisted Begining

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"Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time."

-Maya Angelou

My phone rings on the dresser next to me

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My phone rings on the dresser next to me. My face scrunched up as I pick it up. When I see the time on my phone I jump up. I've never slept in this late before. I'm usually up by 9 and it's 12 right now. I've gotten so used to not having to do anything after I graduated. Sitting up in bed I answer the phone for the unknown caller. "Hello?" My voice comes out raspy.

"Ms. Lee I've called you 6 times this morning. I was starting to wonder if I had the wrong number." A familiar voice chuckles through the phone.

"W-who?" I start to ask but am cut off by him.

"You've been hired to work for me. Now I just need you to come to my house and sign the papers." Mr. Nixon says.

The line goes quiet as I blink and try to get ahold of my surroundings. "The papers." My voice is gruff.

"Did you just wake up Ms. Lee?" he asks and I can already hear him smiling through the phone.

"No. I j-just took a nap. I'll be there in an hour Mr. Nixon" Before he can say anything else I hang up the phone and get out of bed. I'll have to start my day a little later now.

Walking to the bathroom I cut on the light. My hair is all over the place. Luckily I took my makeup off before I went to bed. For the past 5 years, exhaustion has taken over me so it became a habit. As I pick up my toothbrush and place toothpaste on it I look at my phone. My friends from Paris have all texted me.

Oly: Hey did you make it back?

Me: Yes I made it.

Candace: Oh that's great.

Gary: where will you live until the daycare is done?

Me: I found a nanny job.

Candace: Oo sounds fun.

Oly: Is the child good?

Me: I only met her briefly. I haven't started my first day yet.

Gary: Ooo okay keep us posted.

My toothbrush goes back and forth in my mouth as I text my friends. Then setting my phone down I focus on getting ready. They weren't too excited about me coming back to NY. I've spent the last 5 years with them and suddenly just left. Candace was my roommate when I lived there; she made Paris fun.

Once I'm done getting dressed I grab my keys and run downstairs. My grandpa is at the kitchen table eating, but I don't have time to say anything to him but good morning. I already overslept now I need to get to Mr. Nixon's house. His nurse stares as I run out of the house and to my car.

Once I'm inside I take a deep breath as I start it up. Then I drive off...


Just like yesterday, I knock on Mr. Nixon's door and wait a minute. When the door opens this time however it's not him that's opened it. A man a couple of inches shorter than Mr. Nixon opens the door. He's wearing a dark blue button-up suit. The watch on his wrist tells me that it's just as expensive as it looks. Mr. Nixon might not be the only rich one around here.

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