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A couple of weeks later

Elizabeth made her way through the snowy streets of Reykjavík, Iceland. Her boots sank into the thick white blanket beneath her feet. Each breath she exhaled turned into frosty plumes, dissolving into the bitter winter air. Exhaustion tugged at her, a testament to her long day at work. All she wanted was to get home and stay in her warm apartment. Little did she know that Mother Nature had other plans. Well, she did know, a winter storm was on its way, Elizabeth just pretended like it would never happen.

Dark, heavy clouds were looming overhead, signalling the arrival of a fierce winter storm. Elizabeth hoped that she would make it home before the hell broke loose. The wind started to pick up, quietly whistling through the streets. Elizabeth quickened her pace, wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck and pulling her hat lower over her ears, putting the hood of her winter coat over the hat.

It had been two months since Elizabeth moved to Iceland. Well, moved... She had decided to go on an adventure, working in Iceland for a few weeks, seeking a change of scenery and an opportunity to explore the world - the trip was planned right after the breakup with Timo. Iceland had been on her bucket list for years, and she finally could tick it off her list. She had some expectations, but they all got surpassed. The days were dark, cold and short, but the nature was amazing. And to her surprise, everybody was kind and positive. She expected everybody to be grumpy, negative and annoyed by the dark and cold weather (like most people in the world).

Snowflakes started to swirl around her, dancing in the gusts of wind. The gentle flakes soon turned into icy projectiles, stinging Elizabeth's face as she battled against the elements. I should have left five minutes earlier and not stayed longer to talk to colleagues. The storm was about to begin.

With each step, Elizabeth felt the full force of the storm. The wind howled. Snow piled up around her boots, making each step heavier and more arduous than the last. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Elizabeth reached her street. She squinted through the swirling snow, trying to make out the familiar building that housed her apartment.

As she stepped inside the main hall, the gust of wind subsided, and she was enveloped in a cocoon of warmth. With a deep breath, Elizabeth ascended the stairs to her apartment, shedding her snow-covered layers as she went. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, greeted by the familiar cosiness awaited her.

Then her phone started to ring. Elizabeth padded her coat pockets, and then found her phone in the pocket on her chest. She removed one glove, grabbed her phone and scanned the caller's ID. It was Charles who FaceTimed her. Charles, who was FaceTiming her.

Elizabeth accepted the call,  feeling her heart flutter with anticipation and nervousness. The call got connected. Her eyes fell on herself in the corner of her phone; she looked ridiculous. She was packed with layers and covered with snow. Charles, on the other hand, sat on the balcony of his hotel room, in the sun, wearing sunglasses and no shirt, apparently. He was probably resting after a long day.

"Good afternoon," Charles then said.

"Hello," Elizabeth breathed and placed her phone on the dresser in the small hall of her studio flat. "Stay," she mumbled, hoping her phone would stay up. Then she was removing the hood, hat and scarf, revealing a face flushed from the cold. She smiled.

"I think the weather is beautiful there?"

She put off her coat. "It's absolutely beautiful," she sarcastically mentioned. "It's storming outside, which is special. It barely storms in February, especially not snow storms." Elizabeth grabbed her phone and scanned him. "I assume the weather sucks at yours." She walked to the kitchen, filled the water cooker and put it on. Then she made her way to her closet.

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