Glass Heart

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"Can we go now?" Jungkook slurred his words as he sat at the bar. "Yea fine" Taehyung and Jimin helped Jungkook up and out the door. Even though the night didn't go as planned, it was nice to be there together. Taehyung probably should've mentioned what Jungkook does when he doesn't listen.

Taehyung drove all three of them back to Jungkook house. "What a day" Taehyung said as he poured himself and Jimin a glass of wine. "Right" Jimin downed the whole cup in one sip. "But to be clear the offer to have sex is still up right?" Jimin tried his best not to show his huge smile. "Yep" They stayed up a little longer talking about their lives.

1 Months Later

They met with Namjoon the next day and it all went well. Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook used to be the best of friends back in primary school. When Jimin was 15 he had confessed to Jungkook but Jungkook rejected him. He got into a accident trying to run away from, but he forgot Jungkook. After gaining some of it back Jungkook just made it worse No matter how hard they try to get Jimin to remember he just doesn't. That's the reason they showed Jimin pictures of Jungkook all the time. Nothing, nothing works.

Jimin was currently getting ready for to meet Taehyung's manager. The three of them decided if Jimin became a regular model they'd leave the pornography behind.

Jimin buttoned up his black shirt then fixing them over his black jeans. He looked in the mirror fixing his hair for the 3rd time. After finally fixing it to his satisfaction he finally left.

It took only about 15 minutes to get there since he already lived in the city. As he parked he could see Taehyung, Jungkook and a shorter guy. He nervously crossed the street. "Hi, Chimmy" Taehyung beamed. "Hi, TaeTae, Jungkook. Hyung" Jimin bowed towards an older man who was almost the same height as him. "Hi, Jimin I'm Bang PD." Jimin bowed once more. He couldn't hide the fact that he was more nervous then he would ever be. "I don't think there's even a reason to interview you. I trust Taehyung's judgement." This actually calmed Jimin. Whenever he had a interview he'd always say stupid things and it would go downhill. "I can give you a tour if you'd like" Jimin nodded then followed Jungkook in while holding Tae's hand. "This feels like highschool, when we'd hold hands in the hallway and joke around." Taehyung nudged Jimin's shoulder.

Jungkook couldn't help but to look back everytime he heard them laughing. He wanted to reminisce with them, if only he hadn't messed it up with Jimin. He liked Jimin just as much as he liked Tae but he just couldn't help but to get mad at them. He hated himself for that, it was his fault. "I gotta go guys. I have something to take care of." Jungkook made up an excuse to get out of the suffocating area. Jungkook and Taehyung made eye contact with each other. Taehyung knew he was lying. He could see the rage, the jealously, yet all the guilt in his eyes. "I'll also be back" Jungkook and both Bang PD left.

Taehyung decided to follow Jungkook outside and drag Jimin with him. "Jungkook, what's wrong" Jungkook stopped walking and slowly walked towards the two. "This is wrong Tae! I don't belong here. I missed my chance. I can't keep going around pretending nothing happened. It's wrong, and you never tried to help him remember! It hurts to watch you guys! He can't remember!" Jungkook cried.

Taehyung was left speechless. "Kook" Taehyung tried. "No Tae, I love you I do but when I think back to highschool, I hate you so much! You never tried to get him to remember me!" After hearing Jungkook say that he hates him he couldn't help but cry. "You don't think I've tried! Jungkook you broke him because you were an ass! That is not my fault he didn't wanna remember your sorry ass! You could've confessed, but instead you froze up. Coward! A coward is what you are Jungkook! So don't put your sorry ass past on me! He hates you not me and it's only so long till he remembers the hatred he has for you!" Taehyung yelled out of anger.

Jungkook scoffed at time. "Big talk coming from someone who ruined his fucking life! Don't forget Tae he hated you before he hated me, he forgave you. That's the only difference. Yea my past was sorry because I had a fucking friend like you. Should've let Jackson do whatever" He regretted what he said at the end but instead he just walked away.

Taehyung was left broken standing in one spot. "I don't know what happened but, I'm here for you." Jimin hugged Tae who was really in need for one. Him and Jungkook had their share of arguing but this one really hurt. Like really hurt. He loved Jungkook and Jimin but he didn't know what he felt. "You can go sign the contract with hyung, I'll wait here" Jimin smiled at Taehyung before leaving.

Jungkook sat in his car crying his heart out. He Taehyung, he hated life, but most of all he hated himself the most. He knew he was wrong about what he said to Taehyung but he couldn't help but feel that way. Highschool was the worst 4 years of his life. Not only did he reject Jimin he also made Jimin hate him. If only he could go back in time.

He finally gathered himself and drove off, passing Taehyung by as he did. As he did Jimin came out of the building. Forgetting that he was Taehyung's ride home he kept driving.

"I'll take you home, where do you live?" Jimin asked. "With him" Taehyung sighed loudly. "Taehyung, what did he mean that I hated you before I hated him?" Jimin asked not fully aware of the situation that just happened. "Jimin, please not now. It's not serious" Taehyung said not knowing how to explain the situation. "Oh ok, is there anywhere you wanna go?" Jimin asked. He knew the situation was deeper then they're letting him know. "Anywhere else is fine Chim"

Jimin nodded before walking towards his car.

"Chim wait! I didn't mean for you to find out like that"

"Stop! You were my best friend how could you!"

Literally almost a year later 😭

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