𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

Start from the beginning

I slipped out of my clothes, no fuss, and got ready to step into the shower's good vibes. The air got all perfumed with the gentle scent of that rose body wash I'm into, kind of like a soft floral high-five.

I got down to business with my vanilla sugar scrub, massaging it onto my skin and totally loving the lush, sweet-smelling hug it gave me.

After letting the shower do its thing and wash away the day's grime, I hopped out and got all cozy in a big, fluffy towel. Time to baby my skin a little, you know, give it some much-needed attention.

I hit up my skincare routine like a champ, patting and massaging with all the chill vibes in the world.

Then it was off to the closet. I reached for my old reliable, that Essentials black hoodie and sweatpants that have seen better days but still mean everything. They wrapped me up in that worn-in, feels-like-home kind of warmth.

Slipping into my undies, my phone goes off, shattering the quiet of my usual morning routine. Curious, I head over to the nightstand, hit with a wave of nostalgia.

Grinning, I grab the phone, and hearing my old friend's voice on the other end takes me straight back to those days of laughing till it hurt and running around without a care in the world.

My Nigga👅😩
Hey Amore

Hi Love

My Nigga👅😩
When do you guys plan on leaving?

We're getting ready, but we'll be on our way in about an hour

My Nigga👅😩
Okay, and how is Topolina doing?

She's good, I just gave her some milk and now she's fast asleep

My Nigga👅😩
Oh, just like her mom. Well, I'll let you continue getting ready

Alright, we'll see you when we get there

My Nigga👅😩
Okay, I love you, and stay safe."

We will, love you amore.

Once I hung up, I hit play on my go-to chill R&B Spotify playlist. The smooth beats filled the room as I wandered into my closet to get dressed.

I could almost see those black Yeezy slides by the door, just waiting for me to step into them and head out for some fun.

Over in another part of the closet, I got a little hit of the past as I picked out something cute for my little munchkin, Katara.

I grabbed her a cozy brown Mickey Mouse hoodie that's all kinds of soft and vintage, wrapping her up in a hug. The sweatpants are just as loved, with their own stories of endless play and carefree afternoons.

And then there's the crisp white onesie, so simple and pure, like a flashback to those super-simple kid days. The little frilly white socks are the cherry on top, making her look like she's straight out of a dream.

Katara's all set now, looking fly. I moved her over to the edge of the bed, ready for a fresh start. Off came yesterday's clothes, and on went the lotion, catching the light and making her skin shine. It felt like I was keeping those precious moments alive with every dab.

Dressing her up, I felt this burst of pride. Every detail, from the buttons to the bows, was just right. Then, with the softest touch, I buckled her into the car seat, all set for a day that promised to be as sweet as the memories we carry.

Feeling that buzz of excitement, I put Katara and her snug car seat near the door and couldn't help but smile. I danced around the room, turning off lights and unplugging stuff, making sure everything was switched off.

Just then, I heard Sage's door open with that familiar creak. She walked out ready for the trip, comfy in her travel gear, her eyes shining just as excited as mine.

I put Katara's car seat down quietly on the kitchen tiles, not wanting to wake her. I grabbed a bottle of milk I'd prepped for her from the fridge, ready for our road trip to New Jersey. Sage glided into the kitchen and gently got Katara settled into the car in the garage.

After grabbing enough snacks and drinks for our drive, I packed them tight in a big lunch box from my mom's pantry. Everything was set just right for the journey. I switched off the kitchen lights with a soft click, leaving the room in a peaceful dark. I knew my way around well enough to set the house alarm in the dim light, all without a hitch.

Popping open the back seat, I was hit with this super sweet scene.

Sage and Katara were there, just chilling together, looking all cozy and close. Sage, being the sweetheart she is, grabbed the bag from me and tucked it behind her seat, making sure little Katara had all the space she needed.

I hopped into the driver's seat, my mind wandering over all the good times we've had. The car filled up with this warm, nostalgic vibe as I punched our new Jersey address into the GPS. Then I let the R&B tunes roll out, wrapping us up in a soundtrack of good old days. With each mile we cruised, it was like we were rolling through memories, stitching together the old and the new into one big, happy journey.



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