She pats my shoulder, "you have to read the book to understand."

"Okay, I will." I smile and then keep it inside my bag.

A cough interrupts our conversation as we look at the huge oak door, "I hope I'm not late?"

Professor Forestier smiles, "Nope you aren't. You can take a seat Mr. Kim."

V hesistantly nods before entering. His hair and outfit were both wet, so I instantly turned to the window. It's raining?

"Since you both are here, can you do me a favor and lock the library after detention?" professor says, holding the library keys, "My husband is arriving today, so I have to leave a little early." she hands them to V, "Give them to professor YG." before turning and wearing her coat and giving us a farewell.

The both of us stared at the door while professor left. The lighting hit with huge thud making the both of us look at each other.

Well... This is awkward. 

"Um..." I speak as he sit to the opposite side as me. "Nice weather." nice weather? Seriously.

He nods and keeps his books on the table along with the keys before shrugging his robe off and folding his sleeves. Water droplets dripped from his hair as he turned his head. "You're looking."

My eyes widden and my throat dries. With some internal confidence I had, I spoke, "It's not like I had other things to do."

He looks up then smirks, "So what did you tell Jennie?"

"What did I tell her?" I ask him.

He rolls his eyes, "About that notebook," and then realisation hit me.

"Oh yeah your notebook," I quickly grabbed my bag, taking his notebook out and placing it on the table, "and about Jennie... I told her, that our notebooks got swapped."

"Great," he takes it and places it in his bag before taking a seat.

"So you really accepted my offer?" I ask genuinely.

"No, I jumped out of the window," he rolls his eyes as sarcasm dripped his words.

I glare at him and we sit there in silence before the sound of slow classical music blares through the door.

We both glance at each other, "It's coming from the ball practice upstairs."

He hums still staring at the window. I sigh as I stare out of the window too. Rain was pouring down. We stood in comfortable silence before V spoke.

"We should dance."


"Dance? Here?"

"Yeah," he looks at me.

"But why?" I question.

"Well, the ball is in 3 days, our partners aren't here so we should practice here by ourselves." he reasons.

His eyes were genuine. It wasn't some dream, V himself asked me to dance.

He moves forward waiting for my confirmation before I nod and he holds my waist. Goosebumps flared through my body. I hold his hand before we started at each others eyes.

We were too close.

Slowly we started dancing.

Every step, step twirl, every lift was elegant. He made sure we did it right.

"I wish you would stop doing that," he whispers.

"What?" I reply as my back hits his chest.

"Your hands are shaking." he whispers to my left ear holding both of my hands either side.

"You're making me nervous," I shudder before he twirls me back and my front was facing him.

"Yeah? Good. You should be nervous," he smirks as I roll my eyes, "stop doing that too."

"Stop doing what now?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Roll your eyes at me," he scoffs then lifts me up. I yelp as he places me on the ground gently.

"Maybe you should chill." I glare and lightly punch his shoulder.

"I'm chill," he gives me a flat look.

"With that broody face? Nah." I chuckle.

"This face is far better than your annoying face." he scoffs.

"If that's so then dance on your own," I turn, about to leave but he stops me.

"okay, stop. I won't speak." he chuckles holding me to the place.

That smile.

He rarely does that.

"Why are you staring now?" he raises his eyebrows.

"You're smiling." I grin.

He acts shock, "Am I?" I roll my eyes and nod.

He ignores it and we get back on dancing.

I feel like I've won today.

Just like older times we were smiling at each other and only each other. And today this moment felt like a fairytale.

Just us dancing in a library while rain poured outside the window.

I don't know how to explain this moment.


Spoiler- CCTV footages.

Lol, I randomly picked a book name by my imagination for the murder mystery.

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