Episode 3: Encounter II: Zombie Hunting

Start from the beginning

"Wait, what!?" "Are Neon and Lord Ace doing a collab!?" yelled some students as Ace was the person who walked in on Neon's livestream. "It's too much to handle!" yelled a female student as Ace from the livestream waved rather awkwardly. "Omigod, omigod, omigod!" yelled the same student as her classmates flocked around execpt one: Kanato.

Kanato rolled his eyes at them and opened his bag and stared at the object inside it...the Magnum Buckle.

-a cafe somewhere in the city-

"You're streaming your runaways?" asked Ace incredulously in a table with Neon in a cafe. "Yep. Neon's Non-Fiction Documentary." Neon replied rather cheery. "What's the..." asked Ace as he saw his own fans outside the cafe much to his mild irritation though he didn't show it. "What's the point of doing that?" Ace asked resuming his question clearly intrigued why Neon was streaming her runaways. "Just putting myself out there." Neon explained and put her phone away. "I want my soulmate to know i'm out there." finished the rich girl as Ace puckered his lips and nodded and heard some footsteps behind Neon. "It's time to come home milady." said a voice behind Neon as Ace looked at the people right behind his fellow contestant...Neon's bodguards John and Ben.

Neon's bodguards John and Ben

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(pictured: on the Left: John. on the Right: Ben. And yes, they are americans who can speak japanese)

Neon then looked at the two and promptly went behind Ace. "Rats, they found me again!" groaned the rich girl in frustrated dismay. "Well yeah, you keep streaming it." commented Ace in a 'matter of fact' tone. "True..." Neon admitted clearly embarrassed and feeling semi-stupid. "Lord Ace..." said Ben as he held out a piece of paper with a pen. "Can we have your autograph?" asked John giddy before composing. "A-and, uh...then you'll come with us milady." added the white bodyguard. "Sure, i don't mind." said Ace feeling the mood to sigh an autograph. "Don't mind what? The autograph? Or them taking me?" asked Neon utterly annoyed as Ace signed the paper with his autograph much to John and Ben's glee. Then Ace heard a jingle stopping him from signing the autograph and checked his Spider Phone.

 Then Ace heard a jingle stopping him from signing the autograph and checked his Spider Phone

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(pictured: the Spider Phone which all DGP contestants have.)

Gather Round!

The Message on the phone: Mr Ace Ukiyo, we are gathering at the Desire Temple.

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