Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

If there was one thing I thought I would never do, it would be waking up at the first sound of an alarm clock. The remaining nine alarms I had set to ensure I got up early were rendered useless. I smiled to myself. Today would be good. Today was a day of firsts.

I rose contemplating the new change to my schedule. This was the first Sunday in my life that I had been up before 10 a.m. My phone's lock screen read 7: 15 a.m. It was early, yet I could distinctly hear activity outside my door.

I popped my head out the door only to see Annabeth with a towel wrapped around her hair and a damp pyjama set on her. "Ah, Seaweed Brain's finally up!"

"Good morning, Percy!" Yessica's disembodied voice carried from what I guessed was the kitchen.

"Why do you call him that?" Rhema's eyebrow was riding high on her forehead as she smiled in our direction.

"Pssh, it's a long story. What once meant disgust now means affection", I answer for Annabeth, "At least I think so."

Annabeth was smirking and shoving my shoulder softly when Yessica came out of the kitchen fully dressed.

"Whoa, Yess, I thought church was not until 9 a.m.," I asked her, looking about me. Annabeth wasn't nearly dressed and Rhema looked like she had just rolled out of bed not too long ago.

"Yes, service is not till 9 a.m. but I am part of the worship team so I have to be there earlier," Yessica said as she picked up her purse and checked her phone.

Today, she looked a bit more dressed up than her usual sweatpants and baggy t-shirt. A pure white blouse and a black circle skirt covered her frame and were complemented by some black wedge heels. Her naturally wavy hair was styled in a half-up bun, leaving the rest of her curls to flit around her shoulders.

"Ok, see you in church, Yess. I'll bring these two over later," said Rhema as she moved towards the kitchen. Yessica was soon out the door, leaving Annabeth and I to ourselves.

"We are doing this. We are actually going to a church." Annabeth sounded as if she was finally digesting the idea.

"Yeah, I have no clue what to expect. Rhema and Yess said it would just be normal yet..."

"We have no clue what normal is." Annabeth completed.

I pushed out a sigh and ran my hand through my hair. "Come on, it can't be worse than the first day of High School."

Annabeth smiled. "Ok, enough worrying. We get in, learn about God, we get out. Now, go shower or something!"

After showering, I wore a white T-shirt and my most formal pair of grey jeans, along with a grey jean jacket.

"Maybe it will look like a suit from afar." I thought as I slid on my Converse sneakers and made to leave the room. A random glance around the room reminded me of my phone and new bible that were at the table beside my bed. I had started reading the bible and, boy, I had been missing loads. I was still in the first few chapters of Matthew but it was so fascinating to read about how Jesus came and the faith His parents had.

I finally emerged from my room and checked for the time. 8 a.m. An hour before church.

"Percy, your hair is a mess. It looks like a hellhound used it to brush its teeth." Annabeth's voice snapped my gaze off my phone and onto her. I could feel a blush raging across my face at the sight of her and, by the look of it, Annabeth had noticed. She looked stunning in a beautiful grey maxi dress I had never seen before. Her blonde princess curls framed her face, a face that looked halfway between a blush and a smirk.

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