Chapter 1: Part 2

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Percy's POV.

We had been looking for hours but there was no sign of the Minotaur.

"Are you sure we are in the right place?" I asked as I collapsed in a heap of sweat and exhaustion.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She said as she consulted the map for the billionth time. We were in some park in Cambridge. Luckily for us there were few people around: A girl around our age, a man old enough to be a grandpa and a few people doing yoga (why on earth were they out here at 6pm their time?). We were just about to give up.

"I was sure it would have smelled me by n-" I was cut short because a low growling had reached my ears. I swivelled round quick enough to see the beast charging at us. I stood and drew riptide in time to reflect the minotaur's attacks. Annabeth joined in and we began to battle. To normal onlookers, we probably looked like we were trying to tame our rabid dog. At least that was what I thought. You see, everyone else expressed mild annoyance but continued what they were doing. However, the girl kept looking at us, almost as if she could see the minotaur, in all its smelly glory. I smelled him coming before he hit me (seriously, why don't these things bathe?). He managed to land a hit and I staggered. I caught a glimpse of the girl again. I was sure she was seeing what was going on. In fact, she looked as if she wanted to help but something was stopping her. As, I helped Annabeth try to vanquish him, I thought about her. She didn't look like a demigod of any kind (Roman or Greek), she wasn't a magician or an einherjar. She could see through the mist but there was something different in her. By now the minotaur had cornered us near a fountain. Our energy was depleting fast but this monster refused to die. I glanced at the girl and pleaded to the gods to let her help us. Annabeth seemed to be forming plans in her mind, then deciding that they wouldn't work.

As if my pleas were heard, she walked up to us calmly. When the minotaur caught wind of her, he growled and, for the first time, he spoke. "What do you want with me? These are mine!"

The NERVE of this Minotaur. She looked coolly at him and said "Shut up demon! I rebuke you and I cast you out in the name of Jesus!"

The minotaur's reaction was unthinkable. It doubled over as if it had been hit and then it shrieked. It burst into ashes and the ashes flew away from us. Annabeth and my reaction were the same.

"What on earth was that?" we chorused.

She looked like she wanted to explain but she stopped, turned around and walked away.


So, guys, what do you think of chapter 1? Who is this new character? and why is she different? Tell me in the comments and please vote. 

I love you all dearly and God bless you!


Cookie 😜🍪

A child of GodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt