Chapter 22 (Atlas): A Little Breathing Space

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There it was. The question I really didn't want Joy to ask: how did her brother know me? 

The answer was going to lead to something she wouldn't like at all, which is why I'd never told her what was going on. That and the promise I'd made to her brother not to involve her, not to tell her anything.

About twelve weeks ago, Joy had been at a study session for her world history class, and some of the brothers and I had been sitting in the common room, shooting the shit and having a beer. One of us was there waiting to make sure Joy got home safely.

A young man came hurrying into the clubhouse, obviously someone known to one of the brothers since the prospects at the gates had let him through. Since I was the highest-ranking officer in the common room at the moment, Corner, who'd been walking out the door just as the kid was coming in, had pointed him to me. He almost ran over as I stood up, and his agitation was obvious. He had the attention of all the brothers.

"Where's Joy?" he asked, a little out of breath.

"Who's asking?"

"I'm her brother. Kilian." They didn't look anything alike except for the deep dimples they both had. He had reddish hair and was tall, and my little shortcake was anything but.

"She's not here right now."

"Shit!" The kid looked like he was on the verge of tears, and he ran his hand through his hair repeatedly. "Shit. Shit."

He looked back up at me, his eyes full of desperation. "When'll she be back?"

I hadn't liked the urgency in his voice or the look in his eyes. That kind of look and tone always meant shit was in the works. "Not sure. She's at the library studying for a history test she has this week."

"Thanks. I'll go talk to her there."

As he spun to leave, I grabbed his arm, and it wasn't gentle since my radar was going off. "No, you won't. How about you tell me why you're so insistent on seeing Joy right now."

"I don't have to tell you anything. My sister's none of your business."

I had to admire his bravado. He was tall, but I was taller and I was seventy pounds of pure muscle heavier than he was.

"Everything to do with Joy is my business."

"Who the hell are you?" he asked me.

"I'm Atlas. Your sister calls me Kit."

Then Kilian surprised me. His face morphed into anger and he sucker punched me in the gut. I let him hit me once, then stopped him as he drew back for another hit.

"Your sister could hit me as many times as she wants, but one's all you get."

"You're an asshole! You promised my sister you'd help me move but you never showed up and she got hurt. I could tell by the way she talked about you that she liked you. Joy was counting on you."

"And I let her down," I said as I watched him stand there with his fists clenched and his chest heaving. "I've apologized to your sister for that, and I'm working to make things right with her. I'll apologize to you, too, and tell you how sorry I am that I hurt your sister and let her down. I give you my word I'll never hurt her again."

"You shouldn't have hurt her in the first place!" he unleashed his anger on me, but I had a feeling there was more fueling it than what I had done to Joy. 

"You're right. I shouldn't have," I told him. "And I hate that I did. Now, you want to tell me what the fuck has you running in here like your ass is on fire looking for your sister?"

The Rampage MC #3: Atlas and JoyWhere stories live. Discover now