Chapter 2 (Joy): No One

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"No one, no one, no one, can get in the way of what I'm feeling." ~ No One, Alicia Keys

Atlas had received my message, and he kept flirting with me. We both knew what that meant. He started stopping by my room late at night and we'd talk...and flirt.

Eventually, after a few weeks, the flirting had turned more physical. We'd been talking one night and Atlas had leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. When I hadn't pushed him away, he'd deepened the kiss and I discovered he was by far the best kisser I'd ever met in my life. His mouth moved over mine, his tongue and his teeth making something wonderful even better.

He'd taken the scrunchy from my hair, running his hands through it over and over. "You're so beautiful, Joy. So fucking beautiful."

"Not really," I said, feeling the need to point out my flaws just in case he hadn't noticed them himself. "I'm too heavy --"

He'd cut me off with a groan. "Save me from a woman who doesn't know how fucking hot she is. Joy, if you only knew how your body gets me going, you'd be worried I was going to throw you over my shoulder and lock you in my bedroom for weeks. I watch you walking away from me and your ass makes me want to bend you over and fuck you from behind. Those thighs of yours -- I want to see what they look like around my waist. And don't even get me started on your tits. I could spend a week on those alone. The fact is, I can't keep my eyes off you, Joy. Whenever you're around, I've always got you in my sight, and I'm always thinking about the things I want to do to you, things I want to say to you, things I want to talk to you about. I've never gotten to know a woman like I've gotten to know you."

"Well, Brandie's not...thick. She's tiny. And you liked hooking up with her." Could my body insecurity be any more obvious?

"Not sure why we're talking about her, but she was a hook up a few times and that was it. You're more than that. I like you, Joy, and you're the one I want more and more of the longer I know you."

That had been it. A couple of weeks later, we began having sex. Atlas would sneak into my room late at night -- I'd given him the code to my door keypad -- and he'd leave before I had to get up to start breakfast in the morning. Every night he came into my room, no matter what, and if we were both losing sleep, neither one of us gave a damn and we were quite willing to be tired. 

"Tell me your real name," I pleaded one night when I was curled against his side. I felt him smile.

"It's Christopher, but no one's ever called me that. They always called me Kit."

"I like it. Kit."

He rolled me over onto my back. "I'd like to hear you calling me that when I'm deep inside you and you're about to come on my cock. You'd start whispering Kit, then you'd start moaning it over and over, and then the closer you got, the louder you'd get until I had to slam my mouth down on yours because you were ready to scream out Kit so everyone would hear."

"Let's give it a try," I whispered against his lips.

So we did.

When he was getting ready to sneak out that morning, he couldn't find his phone.

"Call me, baby."

So I'd grabbed my phone and called Kit.

I could hear it vibrating and dug under the covers to find it while he pulled on his jeans.

And wished I hadn't found it.

I'd held the phone up to him, my look definitely unhappy, the previous post-sex glow gone. "No One is calling."

Kit hesitated, then shook his head at me, at the hurt in my voice, and fixed me with a look, not willing to entertain my attitude. "You know you're someone, Joy. If you called me and my brothers saw, they'd start nosing around shit that doesn't concern them. It's none of my brothers' business."

I'd arched a brow at him. "What's none of your brother's business?"

"Not doing this, Joy. If you're looking for a label, you're going to be disappointed."

"I couldn't be any more disappointed than I was when I saw that I'm No One, Atlas."

His eyes hardened at my use of his road name. "It's a name in a phone to protect you from the brothers harassing you."

"You could've called me Someone. That would have been a step above No One."

"Joy --"

"Are you embarrassed of me?" I asked abruptly, needing to know. I was back to my insecurity about not being a small girl. I'd heard the snide comments from Trixie and another club girl, Jade, about the cook sampling too much of her own cooking.

"They say you can never trust a skinny cook," Trixie had said in my hearing just last night. "Guess we have the most trustworthy cook around, if that's the case."

Kit's eyes softened at my question. "You know I'm not embarrassed of you, Joy. I can't stay away from you, and I've never even thought about being with anyone but you since I met you four months ago. That's a first for me. Until you, I didn't do exclusive."

"That's a nice answer, but I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to keep doing this with you," I told him, trying to be honest. "I've never hooked up with someone for four months without a commitment."

"Are you giving me an ultimatum?"

I shook my head, "Not at all. If you can't commit, you can't commit. I'm not faulting you for that. Just like if I can't live in limbo forever, I won't live in limbo forever. I need to be someone to a man, not no one."

"Back to that, Joy? I told you it was a stupid name choice that didn't have a deeper meaning than not letting the brothers know my business. Don't read more into than there is."

Easy for him to say. He was called Atlas in my phone.

"Well, you better get going because you don't want your brothers seeing you leave my room. People are going to be getting up soon and they might figure out that I'm No One."

"It's for your benefit, too, Joy. They'd be all over you with their jokes and comments if they knew we were fucking. You wouldn't hear the end of it."

He came over to kiss me, but I turned my face so his lips hit my cheek.

"Don't be like that, baby. I don't like everyone knowing my business," he'd said. "I'd like to keep you to myself for a while longer. Can we see where we are when we hit six months? Can you give me two more months?"

Could I? Lately, I was wondering if there was more to us than sex. There was definitely no faking his attraction to me. The man was insatiable, and sometimes, when we were in the kitchen or common room at the same time, I'd surprise a look in his eyes that was both affectionate and hungry.

He loved my body, if words and actions proved anything. He'd often roll onto his back in my bed and tell me to ride him. 

"No better sight than you riding my cock, Joy. God, it's all I can do to not to come right away with those tits of yours bouncing and that wet pussy of yours gripping me as you slide up and down on my cock. Lean down and give me your mouth, baby. Push down harder, baby. That's it -- oh, fuck, tell me you're close. Tell me you're close, Joy."

I loved what we had. So I gave him the only answer I could at the time.

"I'll give you two more months."

"Two months and then we'll talk about where we are and how we want to go forward," he promised.

"Two months and that's it, Kit. I'm not going to be No One forever."

The Rampage MC #3: Atlas and JoyWhere stories live. Discover now