Rescue Party

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Before Roach and hope could begin some hostility could be heard within the building.

All sexual tension had been interrupted as all three looked confused and a little concerned.

Roach quickly got dressed and ran out to see what all the commotion was about, he figured it was just one of the other subjects throwing a fit or something similar to that nature.

Hope didn't waste anytime wrapping herself in a towel and running out following after him along with Tate.

As the trio got outside of the showers they witnessed a very pissed off Moths rampaging throughout the hall's, they seemed to relax slightly once they see Hope is alright.

Randall had been worried for Hope's safety and Moths wanted to put Randall's worries at ease by returning to the hospital despite knowing the dangers.

Hope slowly walked over to them now that they didn't seem so hostile.

"What are you doing here? it's not safe with William still around" she had a concern tone in her voice.

They looked her over for injuries as they spoke. "Randall was worried you'd get I came to break you out".

Hope was surprised not expecting for either of them to be so worried about her despite not knowing them all that well.

She was caught off guard by Moths growling and glanced in the direction they were looking in. there not too far from them stood William, he looked as if he were up to no good as usual.

Hope reached for Moths hand and held it gently to calm them down not wanting them to do anything reckless since William was unpredictable.

William walked over with his hands behind his back in a professional manner.

"Well well it seems one of my subjects have returned." He gave a snarky smirk.

Moths snarled. "Stay back back old man I wouldn't want to let messiah out but I will if I have to.."

William seemed a bit taken aback by Moths comment.

The doctor rolled his eyes. "Messiah is weak, you remember what happened last time when he went against me."

Moths got a somewhat sinister grin that caused hope to get a chill up her spine, they spoke with a venom laced tone. "Don't think Messiah is my only back up William..I'm sure you remember Baby Myers".

Hunting Season (TateFrost x Female Oc) 18+Where stories live. Discover now