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There he stood.

The butcher.

Axe in hand with a crazed look in his eyes.

He was enjoying this, it was like watching a rabbit hunter.

Alice ran for a lining amongst the trees in hopes to get away from the obvious insane man.

"This is it..I'm going to die in these woods.." she muttered to herself as she desperately tried to get her legs to carry her faster.

There off in the distance she could see lights coming from lamp posts through the trees.

Alice ran towards the lights moving through the trees.

She made it through the other side of the forest.

Once through the trees a town came into view.

It looked a bit run down and trashed up but there had to be someone here that could help.

Maybe it had a police station.

But before she could run any further she ran right into someone.

It was a pale disheveled looking man with purple hair wearing an oversized sweater and baggy pants.

He had sharp looking teeth and what seemed to be a scar around his neck.

"U-um are you okay man?" He asked looking at her with a bit of a nervous look in his eyes.

Alice shook her head obviously shaken up.

She had been through so much in one night and just wanted it all to stop.

"I'm being chased by someone, where's the nearest police department?.."

He now looked worried.

"I'm going to be honest our police department isn't all that reliable no matter the situation..but you could come hide out at my apartment until we figure something out.."

Alice was a bit skeptical not like the idea of going to a complete strangers place but she didn't have much of a choice.

This was survival and she was willingly to take anything she get.

"Okay..that seems like the best option right now, I mean it's either that or I have a big chance of being chopped up".

She reluctantly followed him back to the apartment complex.

She looked up at the building.

It was much like the town, run down and trashed.

The building looked as if jt would cave in at any moment.

He led her all the way up to the last floor his apartment room was.

Alice walked in glancing around, unlike the rest of the building his apartment looked fairly decent.

It was clean and well kept.

The only bit of mess she saw was a few prescription bottles laying out on the table.

"W-well um I guess I should introduce myself so I'm not a complete stranger" he awkwardly cleared his throat.

He didn't seem to comfortable interacting with other people.

"I'm Randall".

Alice held her hand out to shake his.

"I'm Alice..it's um nice to meet you I just wish it was under different circumstances".

Randall gave a shy nod and walked over to the sofa sitting down.

Alice glanced around more noticing a few photos on the wall, one particular picture caught her attention pretty quickly.

In the picture stood a man that looked quite similar to the butcher from the convenient store, only somewhat younger and we'll dressed not to mention he didn't have the crazed look.

Randall looked over at her with a concerned expression.

"Is something wrong?"

Alice looked back from the picture.

"No..who is this?"

Randall walked over to the picture giving a small smile.

"That's Tate he's my neighbor, he is a pretty chill guy"

Alice felt her heart drop.

She kept mentally telling herself that it wasn't the same man from before, he had to of just looked like the Butcher maybe even some relative.

Randall took note of her worried look.

"Do you know him?"

She looked towards the floor.

"He just looks alot like the man that's hunting me down..he's been chasing me ever since i showed up at a gas station not far from here.."

Randall almost immediately looked a bit more pale then usual.

Something about that made Alice feel even more scared.

That reaction only confirmed her worries.

Tate was the butcher.

Hunting Season (TateFrost x Female Oc) 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang