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Lee Heeseung,

Do you remember when we used to make daisy chains in the park together?

You know, just the two of us in the empty fields, surrounded by those beautiful marigolds, white and pink daisies and freshly cut grass whilst our mothers sat on the benches nearby and watched over us?

These days I miss those times more than ever.

What happened to you Heeseung? Ever since we moved into high school, you've become so different.

What happened to my sweet flower boy? The one who complimented me every time he saw me? The one who waited for me in the corridors? And the one that made sure I would eat before him?

Sometimes I wish you were still like that; why did you have to change?

Remember Han Jiwon?

The girl that you've loved for as long as I can remember.

It kind of pained me when I sat there with you in elementary school just watching you fall head over heal for another girl. It hurt me even more when I listened to you for endless hours talk about her as we moved throughout middle school.

And then you went holiday for the longest time.

The summer I turned 14 was so dull without you. And I vividly remember excitingly walking into out high school to see you for the first time after a month.

And unfortunately I also remember how coldly you looked at me when you brushed past me in the hallways like you didn't even know me.

I still wonder to this day what happened in the summer of 8th grade that made you hate me so much and turn out the way you did.

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