What is not possible?

Start from the beginning

"Let me try," Chitragupta said, rising from his chair and approaching me. He retrieved his Rudraksha mala and placed it in my hands, instructing me to hold it. Both Dev and Chitragupta observed me closely for a minute.

 "It is not possible," Dev interjected.

 Confused, I asked, "What is not possible?" 

"A possessed human cannot hold the Rudraksha mala. It has the power to bring the soul to the surface," Chitragupta explained, his tone grave.

 "It means she is not possessed?" Dev questioned, seeking confirmation. 

Chitragupta turned his attention to Dev and requested, "You need to explain everything that has happened to her." Dev proceeded to recount the events, stating, "Yesterday, she ventured into an unfamiliar place and engaged in a confrontation with unknown individuals. Upon awakening this morning, she noticed the transformation of her eyes. Furthermore, she possesses the ability to traverse the realm of reflections." 

As Dev finished speaking, his gaze became more intense, focusing directly on me. "What if?" Dev glanced at Chitragupta, seeking confirmation. Chitragupta nodded in agreement. 

 I couldn't comprehend their conversation and questioned, "What are you guys talking about?" 

Dev responded, "You are not possessed." 

Confused, I asked, "Then...?"

 Chitragupta explained, "Your energy is awakening. It is your unique ability, but we cannot anticipate the extent of its manifestations. Only you can discover them for yourself. We are unable to assist you."

 I noticed a hint of concern on Chitragupta's face, indicating that something unpleasant might unfold. "Your expression suggests that there is more to it, something I may not like," I remarked. 

Chitragupta's voice grew serious as he replied, "Anything is possible. This is an unprecedented situation, making it impossible to predict what lies ahead. Our main concern is your ability, as it attracts malevolent souls that may attempt to manipulate you. You must learn to control it."

"How do I control it?" I inquired, hoping for some guidance. 

Chitragupta responded, "Focus on yourself, as self-belief holds great power. Direct your energy towards what you truly believe in each moment. Embrace the notion that you can only be governed by yourself, not by others. Visualize an imaginary protective barrier surrounding you. Trust your instincts rather than relying solely on what you see." 

I struggled to comprehend his words fully. Uncertain of my own capabilities, I attempted to stand up, relieved to find that I was able to do so. "I understand. Let's go back home," I stated firmly. 

Dev acknowledged my decision with a nod, his expression a mix of concern and resignation. He reached out and clasped my right hand with his left, intertwining our fingers. In an instant, darkness enveloped us, a deep void that held an eerie sense of unease. Yet, amidst the darkness, I could feel the reassuring presence of Dev's hand in mine. Abruptly, blinding brightness flooded my senses. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that we were back at my home, near where I had parked my scooter. The familiarity of the surroundings brought a sense of relief tinged with lingering apprehension. 

"So, what now?" he inquired, releasing my hand. 

"I'm not sure," I replied, feeling a sense of confusion. There were so many unknowns and uncertainties, and I wasn't even certain what exactly I should be worrying about. Yet, their evident concern, particularly that of Dev, was unsettling. It must be something truly frightening to have them so visibly shaken. Even the deities themselves seemed unable to offer assistance. 

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