Chapter 2: Contract deal

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At the docks far from Tokyo we hear mirror noises and then both Y/n and Ai were shot out of the mirror and then roll onto the ground as they finally escape from the mirror dimension. They lay there, looking up at the sky while breathing heavily as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Ai: That.......was........(quickly sat up) Amazing!

Y/n: (sat up) You kidding me?! We ended up in some sort of a mirror dimension, nearly gotten killed by a huge ass spider and you think it was amazing?!

Ai: (smirk) Hey, we made it out of that place alive right? Besides that knight did save us and hold off that spider creature while we escape.

Y/n: Well I hope he'll be okay.

Suddenly that same knight exit out of the mirror dimension and lands on his feet and slowly stood up straight as Y/n and Ai quickly gets up and staring at knight. Knight looks at them and then he dehsnhins into a male person with black hear and wearing a black trench coat with blue treasures and black shoes.

???: I got the mirror monster away but he will come back.

Y/n: Um yeah thanks for that man.

Ai: Can you tell us what was that thing or what that world was we step into?

???: Right you two are new. Well to make this short we are at war and you both.....are drafted into war as kamen riders.

Y/n and Ai:.......Say what now?



We see the trio at the café with Ai wearing a disguise to hide herself from the people within the cafe while Y/n sat next to her as the man across from their introduces himself while showing his card to them.

Isamu: My name is Isamu aka Kamen rider Knight. I'm apart of a secret rider organisation called "The Mirror warriors."

Y/n: (takes the card and looks at it) So there is more riders?

Isamu: Yes, we were all hand picked to be riders to protect the human world from the mirror monsters.

Ai: Yeah but what are the mirror monsters and what is the mirror world?

Isamu: You see no one knows about them, not even the government knows about them or the world they didn't realise. You see, the world you two step into is called the mirror world, an alternative dimension where everything around you like signs, newspapers and mangas are all reversed and that's the world where the mirror monsters live. They are monsters with no life of their own and they prey on humans and feed on their life force to survive. However they were trapped in the mirror world until something happened.

Y/n: What happened?

Isamu: There is a wall between both worlds that blocks oth humans and mirror monsters from ever meeting each other and it has been like that since its very beginning. However the wall between both worlds cracked and these cracks leads holes for the mirror monsters to squeeze on through and invade the human world.

Ai: So that explains so many people went missing.

Isamu: Correct. However we don't know how the wall was cracked, some believe there is a stronger mirror monster that created the crack or someone cracked it by accident. We're not too sure but what is important is that we are here to stop them.

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