Only when it's gone

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Tord had a notebook that was devoted to Tom's situation. He wrote everything, absolutely everything, the hybrid did, said or felt, in hope it would help make an antidote. Every little mannerism of him was there, including the way Tom would tap on his horns in a rithm when bored or his persistent furrowed brows. The medicine he took was written as well, with doses and all, based on empty medicine packs left in his desk. His tail wagged less intensely when under the effect of his insomnia pills - that Tom certainly had no prescription to buy - and even his new monster characteristics seemed to fade slightly. Of course, it could be just the calming effects the medicine, but he prefered to believe it was something else.

Since the subject of his study wasn't here, he decided to go analyze it again, and maybe try making some experiments or something. Anything productive, really. Tord was anxious to know if everything's alright, Patryk and Paul hadn't the best habit of updating him - actually, they didn't even update the army. The norwegian had grown used to Tom's voice - and sometimes low purring - in the background, and the ausence of it really bugged him. Seems like it's true that you only recognizes something's worth when that something is lost.

After some testings, the norwegian finally seemed to be somewhere near reversing Tom's condition and making everything normal again. Finally. Tord was excited to tell it to the other, and place some hope in that heart of stone of his. The possibility of fixing what he did, redeeming himself and get back to having a good relationship with him was incredible... Except they never really got along. Then why does he long for Tom so much if it never even happened? Tord didn't know what to conclude out of this, it made no sense to him. Before Tord could continue contemplating, Edd shouted for him at the kitchen. The norwegian made a mental note to write about this in his diary later.

Opening the door out his bedroom, Edd was sat on the couch, drinking some cola.

-Look at this! - the brunnete pointed to the TV, which showed a reporter talking about something.

Nothing felt real when Tord saw what seemed to be Tom's monster form, although blurry, on the news. A black haired woman talked over the footage taken from security cameras and how someone got killed by "the thing". Killed. His creation killed a person.

- Is that..?

Edd slowly looked at Tord:

- Yeah, I think so. I thought you said you had e everything under control? - The brunnete talked in an uneasy way, too calm for this situation.

- Well, I thought I had! - actually, Tord hadn't even considered this outcome.

- You need to stop lying to me, Tord, it's getting old-

Tord's phone almost immediately rang the special ringtone he'd put for both Paul and Patrick. Knowing what it was, he didn't even answer, nor told Edd anything, running as fast as he could to go out the house.

The way to the outside of the house felt like an eternity, every step built up more and more anxiety in his bones. Paul had a history of being a bit violent, so that was his biggest fear, or even the fact that they didn't want to bring Tord with them. Like, the problem was his, why can't he go fix it too?

A red, familiar, car stopped by their doorstep.

Patryk got out of the car, looking rather jittery, in the exact way the man would be when he had to talk to their superiors in the army. But he isn't a superior, so the only other option is the worse one. They haven't got Tom.

His heart began to beat far faster than it ought to. Tord's lung no longer seemed to want to function, leaving him gasping for air and his mind racing with nothing left to think about but Tom's lifeless body. Everything appeared to be in slow-motion, until-

Monsters start at coffeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon