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12:47 am

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12:47 am.

The studio was shrouded in darkness, save for the soft glow emanating from the mixing console. The clock on the wall taunted us with its relentless ticking, the hands stubbornly inching closer to the early hours of the morning. Balls and sheets of paper, scattered like fallen leaves, covered the studio floor. Remnants of our efforts, evidence of our creative struggle throughout the night.

I sat slouched in my chair, my weary eyes scanning the fresh, empty page before me.

I desperately wanted to go home.

I sighed, glancing over at Static who was slumped in a similar position. His eyes were closed, deep in thought, fingers tapping rhythmically. We had been at this for hours, trying to get the lyrics and melody just right for the track we were working on. But something wasn't clicking.

"Listen, I know I said I wanna push through, but truth is, I'm tired as fuck." Static yawned, his voice hoarse. "Let's take a break, or whateva."

I nodded my agreement. I was glad for the reprieve; my neck was stiff from all the tension and my back felt like a crumbled stack of pancakes. I slowly peeled myself out of the chair, wincing at the aches and pains that immediately began to surface.

I wandered into the kitchenette, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and leaning heavily against the counter. I cracked open the cap, guzzling down the liquid and sighed in relief. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back to rest it on the cupboard behind me.

I felt movement in the room and cracked an eye open, spying Static wandering past, heading toward the door. I raised an eyebrow at him curiously, watching as he slipped on his shoes and coat and grabbed his keys from the counter.

"Where you goin'?" I asked, my voice low.

"I'ma get us something to eat, maybe some coffee." Static rubbed the back of his neck. "You okay here?"

"Actually, let me go with you, if you don't mind. I need to stretch my legs," I told him, grabbing my jacket from the hook and slipping it on.

"Nah, that's cool. I just figured you'd want to stay here and relax for a bit." Static gave me a half smile.

I grabbed my phone and wallet, pocketing them in my jeans before following Static out the door. The elevator ride to the lobby was silent, both of us too tired and worn out to make idle conversation. When the doors opened, I followed Static out of the building and into the cold night air. I shivered, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

The city streets were damp from an earlier rain, and were bathed in an eerie, almost magical light cast by the streetlamps, their glow illuminating the vibrant hues of red, orange, and gold that adorned the trees lining the sidewalks. A light breeze sent leftover raindrops dripping from the awnings above us. Leaves, glowing yellow under the streetlights, skittered across the sidewalk, gathering in piles in the gutters. The air held a chill that hinted at the coming winter.

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