Ever Present Danger ^ 6

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Jazz: What is it with you and making people's lives miserable?

Opal: It's not like I could do anything about it. You've been in a coma for four years. There are consequences to your actions, ya know.

Jazz: Like what?

Opal: Like letting go at inopportune times.

Jazz: When did that happen?

Opal: Or volunteering your presence when it wasn't needed.

Jazz: Hey! I know what I'm doing.

Opal: Do you?

Jazz: Yes! Watch and see.

Opal: Alright. You heard the lady. Let's see how she does.

    The walk through town was crazy. We took a whole of two steps, exiting the hospital, before the sidewalk dropped  into a cavern of darkness. I pulled up short before glancing at Valerie. She smiled gently, and I took my chances looking around. I was in a bustling city which suddenly felt cramped. I hoped my parents hadn't influenced me too much. I had always wanted to live in an urban landscape, away from my rural hometown but seeing the buildings shoot up which had only yesterday been just above my head felt crowded.

    "We can pause."

    I nodded as we came to railing which dropped down into darkness. I rested my weight against the barrier in relief.

    "I guess it's all quite new for you," Valerie called as she leaned against the railing staring across the depths.

     I glanced over at Valerie who was smirking before replying, "Yeah."

     The buildings soared overhead, and I tried to remind myself that this was what Progress looked like; however, I had to look down. What greeted me there were not just cars, but cars which levitated above the ground about a half foot. After a moment Valerie pressed us along, "Come on."

    She waited until I righted myself, and we continued a little more slowly. Once my breathing regulated, I asked, focusing on the road ahead, "Don't you have a car?"

    Valerie shook her head, "I've got a sky board. The brains have been trying to replicate it for years, but I got it well ahead of its time, and I never figured out who gave it to me. I'm just grateful that it can be used to help us protect the town."

    I nodded absently, trying to digest the information when she continued, "I thought it'd be better to go by foot anyway what with you just starting to be able to move around on your own again."

    I smiled softly, "True."

   "Besides, Nasty Burger is just a couple of blocks away. Honestly the whole city feels like a couple blocks away."

    I nodded without thinking about before something struck me, "Wait, didn't Nasty Burger ...ugh..."

     "Are you alright?" Valerie asked me as I paused on the sidewalk. A deep unease was sloshing around in the pit of my stomach and a splitting headache hit me like a runaway train. I massaged my head, welcoming the darkness, while I tried to ease the pain.

    Like lightening it was gone, and, opening my eyes, I looked to see Valerie right in front of me looking concerned as she reached towards me. I quickly righted myself, saying, "I'm fine. It's passed."

    "You sure?" Her hand was still there, and I quickly focused on the road ahead of us.

    "Yeah, I'm sure."

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