Answers to Life Questions? * 2

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Danny: I'm not sure how last chapter's title applied to those events. They were really hectic. How is that a road-map to any sort of life? I hope you'll be actually giving some real-life answers in here.

Opal: Um, we'll have to see.

Danny: What's that question mark doing there anyway?

Opal: Well, that's what I'm saying. That's why there's the rest of the chapter.

Danny: Hm, fine, but I better be finding some way to survive this test.

Opal: You always pull through.

Danny: Ha ha, very funny. Let's get on with it.

    Come Tuesday morning, Dash was in uproar about the school's horrendous appearance which, granted was not as bad as it was originally. The building only had a slight tinge of ghostly blue to it from the weird goop which Danny had taken pains to clean up the night before. He had flown around the school with another of his parents contraptions, the Fenton Nullifier, to absorb and suck in the dripping ghost goop from Hunger. After a late night of deep cleaning, Danny had left a full stock of samples which his ghost-enthusiast dad could have a ball examining.

    It was no surprise then that Danny arrived a school a little worn down and not entirely ready when Dash gave him a wedgie for making the school glow a faint blue and ruining the school's reputations since the school colors were red and white which Dash was quick to remind him, "Doesn't include any blue!"

     Danny nodded absently before yawning when Tucker found him, Sam following close behind.

     "Ready for class?" Tucker asked trying to bring Danny out of his gloom.

     "Sure," Danny sighed, a weak smile lighting on his lips at the sight of one of his close friends.

     "The school does look nice," Sam commented as they began moving, "You did a good job last night."

     Danny nodded as he continued the trek, hoping that no more ghosts would invade his time to prepare for his future-determinant test.

    Needless to say, over the next few days, Danny tried to keep his nose out of any ghostly business, but the nerves of a ghost possibly terrorizing the city while he was busy with his own life was not an easy fear to squelch and felt selfish. He really did want to become an astronaut, he would remind himself, and, as long as he didn't catch whiff or breath of ghost while he was working, he told himself constantly, he was in the clear while he was at school. While at home, Danny checked after his return from school and before starting homework to make sure that the Fenton Portal hadn't been accidentally opened.

   The plan worked until Friday. The ghosts were restless, Danny could guess, and liked to roam around places they shouldn't. He saw the blue breath leave him during English class of all times and shortly caught sight of the little guy hanging out in the back of the room next to Kwan. Danny was about to stand up when he heard, "Sit down, Fenton. Class has just started."

      Danny immediately sat down again, determined to focus and afraid of being caught. This time, Mr. Lancer had actually called his last name, but Danny's nerves were already high enough to accentuate any danger which he might sense. As for the ghost, the little guy persistently remained on his mind all through English, then Health Science, onto Math. Danny tried to chase the ghost in between classes, but there was only so much that could be done in that ten minute window. Because of Danny's divided attention, the ghost got away easily. By Math, Danny resigned himself to the ghost's presence until Lunch when he could properly deal with the little guy.

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