Wake Up! ^ Interlude

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Ominous Voice: "It's been four years."

Opal: Not really. I promise. I've been updating regularly.

"How could you?!"

Opal: I'm sorry! Please don't eat me!

"You think I'm going to eat you? I have better things planned. Worse than you can imagine."

Opal: Nooo! Aaaaaaah! Somebody, save me!

    "...You know, I really miss him sometimes. Maybe if I, well you've heard the story a hundred times, Jazz. I just wish I could tell Danny how much--I don't know. Here I am ramblin' again. I gotta go back to patrolling. See you soon! I'll go visit Danny for ya."


     "Hey, girlfriend, are you awake?"

      Where? where am I? What's going on? Something isn't quite right. It's all dark out. Wait! are my eyes closed. Why can't I open them?

     "Calm down, girl. You're alright. Deep breaths."

      What's going on? I saw his image vividly, his angular jaw holding a clever grin which he didn't know he had and sky blue eyes which were framed by sweeping jet black hair. He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, and he was in trouble, but I can't move!

     The voice came back much calmer now, "It's alright," and something resting on me so that I noticed a faint pounding inside myself, "You're okay. There you are. Easy does it."

     Another voice spoke, alarmed demanding. He wouldn't be safe. What had they done to him?!

     "...give her some anesthesia."

     "But she just woke up. Putting her under might..."

     "If you can keep her calm, I'll see what I can do."

    "I'm going to be right with you the whole way through," the calm voice returned, "The doctor's gotta do a couple of checks before you can go."

     The voice broke through my urgency like a jack o' nine tails. If she was with me, I had a sense that I would be safe, he would be safe.

     The other voice spoke a bit more softly now, "I will be holding a light to your eyes. See if you can open them."

     The blackness was replaced by an orange hue as I struggled to open my eyes.

     "Not all at once. Goodness, my pop tells me that enough times," the voice sounded softly as I felt a gentle squeeze of my fingers.

     "Study hard, do your best, and review your mistakes. Yeah, yeah. I know Jazz," a young masculine phantom voice came to me, "You've successfully drilled it into my head enough times. We'll see how much it works though."

       There was no grinning face of a goofy teenager when my eyes opened. In place of my brother, I saw a masked woman, her hair in a tight bun, wearing a teally turquoise cap.

     "Very good," a voice said, but I looked at her nervously at the thought of an unrecognizable phantasmal voice, "Follow my finger with your eyes."

     The woman wearing the mask began moving her finger, so I decided that the voice had to belong to her. I watched as the finger moved across my vision slowly. Sometimes it would jump from one place to another before I could catch up.

     "See if you can move your fingers."

     "Oh, I'm sorry," spoke the soft voice as her grip loosened.

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