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We had now been on tour in Italy for a week, it was quite nice. I mean, we were super busy, but there were some days that we had breaks, they were like heaven. We didn't go to super known places, because of fans and paparazzi, but we still enjoyed it.

Today we had another rest day, which was REALLY needed. We are all so tired since we hadn't had one in a few days. Obviously we all slept in, who wouldn't? But I still woke up earlier than the others, surprisingly.

I headed over to the bathroom, getting a quick shower. I wanted some time to myself today, just for atleast an hour or 2. I hopped out, dried myself and put on some fresh clothes. I made sure I didn't wake Bill up before putting on my shoes and heading out of the hotel room. I was planning on heading to the lake on ****** st since it had a nice cafe near it, me and the boys had been there on the first day here, it was nice, no fans at all.

I hop into my private cab and he drives me to the lake, waiting in the parking lot for when I finish. I hope out and thank him, I felt bad for him since he's having to wait, but he insisted. I walked to the lake, there was only a few people, nobody seemed to know me though, which is good.

I sat on one of the benches, and watched the people who were fishing.
Though it got a slight bit boring after a while, so I decided to head into the cafe to grab some food and a drink.

It was busier than last time, but only the people who were at the lake, and 2 girls in the corner, I noticed I was staring and looked away, they saw me but didn't react, phew. I went to the front and ordered a cheese and ham filled crossiuant, and a coke. I paid and sat at one of the tables near the window.

I kept hearing those girls from before whispering about me and also staring at me, it was obvious they knew me. Normally fans would just run up to me, not them. One girl was a bit older than the other, she had long brown hair and it was styled into curls, the other girl was about my age, she had dirty blonde hair, it just about passed her shoulders, I couldn't see her face from here though, as she was turned towards her friend. Now that I think about it, the older girl looks like the one that helped me find....May. What was her name again?


No, uhh

Oh, Lydia!!

Should I go say thank you? Hi?

After minutes of hesitating, I finally decided to go up to the girls, the older one looking at me, but the blonde one not moving an inch.

"Hey, sorry is that you Lydia?" I spoke.

She had a quick glance at the blonde before smiling at me and nodding

"Yeah, omg Tom?? How are you?" She said.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, you look so much happier now, I'm glad....he's gone." I say, she nods

"I'm sorry about what happened by the way, it must've been hard for you and the others" She said, with a sympathetic look on her face.

I took a seat at their table, getting into the convo, the blonde now had her hand covering her face, it was...weird.

"Is this your friend?" I ask

She stiffens a bit,

"Oh..uh..yeah! This is..err, Lilly!!" She said, letting out an akward laugh,

She blonde uncovers her face slowly, but not looking at me,

"Nice to meet you I'm Tom" I speak,

"Yeah you too" She says, she turns her head completely towards me, finally I get to make out her features.


Is that..

"MAY?!" I yell, jumping back a little.

"I-" I break her off.

"No what the fuck is going on." I say, my eyes now teary.

"Tom please calm down" She spoke.

How the fuck could I calm down?! My dead girlfriend is suddenly alive and living in Italy? What the actual fuck?

"No that's some sick thing, what the actual fuck" I say, storming out of the cafe,

May followed me out, she pulled my shoulder back.

"Tom please. Let me explain"

I turn around to see her. That perfect face I've missed just so much. Her voice, her everything.

"Look I jus-" before she could say anything else I pulled her forward, instantly crashing our lips together. I couldn't stop myself. I held her head with my hands, tears coming from mine and her eyes. She held my shoulders, Deepening the kiss, we both pulled away for air.

"Tou have a lot of explaining, but I just need you right now." I say,

I pull her into a hug, small sobs coming from the both of us, I don't know how she's here, I really don't. But right now, I don't give a single fuck. I just needed her touch again.


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