He's such a flirt..

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I wake up to the worst sound ever. My alarm. The summer was just around the corner, only one more day of school to go. I can't lie, I was sad about leaving, I would miss some friends, but I know that I'll still see them. Especially my band, nothing can separate us, at the same time I was buzzing with excitement. I've waited for this day my whole life, and it was finally here. No more getting picked on, no more homework, no more school!!! I smile and hop out of bed, it was 6:00, I woke up early for this day. I needed to look my best. I mean it was my last day. My mother wanted me to go to university or college but I know that I want to pursue in music, and I will make sure my band becomes famous, no doubt.

I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower, then I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair, when it's dry I straighten it, adding little waves going out at the bottom. I look in my wardrobe to find the perfect outfit for the day, I picked out my playmate tank top and some jeans, I put my vivienne Westwood earrings in and a matching pearl necklace in the around ny neck, I do my makeup the same as any other day but with more of a lash, by now it's 7:30 and school starts at 8:00, I headed downstairs to make some breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen and see my brother, georg, I smile at him

"Hey g!"

He turns around, slightly startled

"Mayy, looking different today, looking forward to school for once"

he chuckles, I glare at him but can't help to smile

"Yeah, I'm ready to get out of that hell hole, also, could you pick me up today? School finishes at 1:30 today since its the last day so I need a ride"

I say, placing bread into the toaster

"Sicher (sure)"

He smiles at me as he takes his bagel to his room to eat.


I put on my white sneakers and grab my white purse, heading out of the door to walk to school
(Your fit)

I arrive at school just on time, for once, as I walk in I spot laila taking her decorations off of her locker

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I arrive at school just on time, for once, as I walk in I spot laila taking her decorations off of her locker


I shout as I walk up to her and give her the biggest hug

"Hey pretty lady"

We both laugh

"I'm so excited to end school omg"

She says as she takes her final picture down and slams her locker shut

"Goodbye secret keeper"
She blows a kiss to her locker as we start to walk

"Did you just blow a kiss to your locker?" I ask, chuckling

She looks at me with a serious glare

"Hey, she's been with me since 8th grade, it's emotional "

we look at eachother and burst out laughing, jen and dani spot us and later started walking with us.


We sit down on the bench, nearest to the gate, 1:20, so close to the end of school, forever. I see georg pull up with his friends, Bill, Gustav, and Tom. I wave to him as he waits the next 10 mins, the gates open and I run to them, kissing my friends on the cheek, I playfully scream,


Georg laughs at me along with his friends, I've only ever met Bill, since he came to get Georg once, But I had heard alot about his friends. I had to squeeze into the back of the car next to Bill and Tom, ofcourse i was in the middle, being the youngest out of us, I was used to it, to my right was Bill, he had spiky long black hair with black makeup around his eyes, black clothes and some necklaces, his twin was the complete opposite, on my left was Tom wearing a black beanie with a white cap on top, his blonde-ish brown-ish dreads coming out of the back, he had baggy jeans on and a baggy shirt with white wrist cuffs.

Tom caught me staring at his style and played with his lip piercing before whispering Into my ear,

"Am I that handsome?"

I could hear the grin on his face, my cheeks went red as I punched his shoulder laughing a bit, 'IS HE TRYING TO FLIRT WITH ME??? Nahh, it's Tom we're talking about.' I thought, it was a long drive, I thought we were going home but we had arrived at a big building,

"Sorry may we need to practice for our album drop, is it ok watching us?"

Georg turned to me awaiting an answer

"Ofcourse I don't mind, maybe I'll take notes"

I said giggling and he smiled at me and we all stepped out of the car heading towards the buildings entrance.

Their band was pretty popular and they were about to drop a new album called Scream, I had heard some of their songs, but not alot, they practiced for hours until they came out saying they were done, they all went to get some food except for me and Tom, he sat next to me on the couch, gulping down a bottle of water and throwing the empty bottle into the bin.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked him

"Not really, I ate before we came here, the others didn't"

I nodded at him before turning back to look at the TV that was in the corner of the room, I could feel his eyes on me, before I knew it, his hand was on my knee, at first I didn't realise but his thumb started rubbing my knee and I looked at him with a questionable glare, he just smirked, I chuckled and rolled ny eyes.

"So you have a band?" He broke the silence

"Ah yeah, it's not big but we perform at bars and clubs sometimes, it's called starlight"

I smiled at him

"What do you play a part as?"

"Singer" I replied

His hand went to my inner thigh

"Really? Could you sing for me?"

He says holding his laugh in, I blush of embarrassment and make eye contact with him, before we both started bursting out laughing, I hadn't laughed this much in ages, it was quite nice, Tom put his arm around me, I blushed a bit, we watched TV till the others got back.


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