Episode 12 - Bruised In Love

Start from the beginning

Jeon Jungkook, the one person who had brought a glimmer of light into your darkness, may now be left behind forever. The thought fills your heart with sadness, a longing for what could have been. But you know deep down that this is the best choice for both of you, despite the ache it leaves behind.

As you gather your emotions, you step back into the sauna, the steam embracing you once more. The complicated relationship with your sister lingers in the air, a mix of harshness, care, and the unspoken understanding that you are all each other has.

It is a bond built on necessity, survival, and the hope that one day, both of you can find the happiness


The dimly lit room is adorned with expensive furniture, exuding an aura of power and authority. Seated behind a grand wooden desk, the imposing figure of the Mafia Boss gazes at his son, Namjoon. The Boss's hardened expression betrays years of experience in the criminal underworld.

Mafia Boss: (gruff voice) Namjoon, listen carefully. I don't want you to incapacitate Jungkook to the point where he becomes useless. He's the best damn dog I've ever raised, and I won't have him go to waste.

Namjoon, standing tall with an air of confidence, nods his head in acknowledgment.

Namjoon: Don't worry, Father. I'll take care of him. I'll make sure Jungkook remains on a leash, obedient to our every command. Killing two birds with one stone is my specialty.

The Mafia Boss leans back in his leather chair, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Mafia Boss: I'm trusting you with this, Namjoon. Remember, it's just this once. We can't afford to lose such a valuable asset.

Namjoon's eyes narrow, his determination shining through.

Namjoon: You won't be disappointed, Father. Jungkook will regret the day he crossed our path. I'll make sure he's taught a lesson he'll never forget.

The Mafia Boss grunts in approval, his eyes piercing through Namjoon.

Mafia Boss: Good. But tread carefully, my son. Jungkook may be a pawn, but he's a pawn with potential. We don't want to break him entirely.

Namjoon's face contorts into a sinister smile, a hint of darkness gleaming in his eyes.

Namjoon: I understand, Father. I'll ensure Jungkook remains a valuable asset to us, even in his submission.

The darkness enveloped the small room where you lay, hiding in the safety of your makeshift hideout. It had been four long days since you left the sauna, taking refuge with your sister in this temporary sanctuary.

The plan was set, the funds were gathered, and tonight, under the cover of darkness, you would escape this nightmare to.

Yet all your thoughts were consumed by one person-Jeon Jungkook. It had been two agonizing days since you last saw him, and the longing in your heart grew with each passing moment.

Despite the danger that lurked outside, the desire to catch a glimpse of him, to ensure his well-being, became unbearable.

Silently, you slipped out of the room, your body covered in a cap and mask, ensuring your identity remained concealed. The night air was cool and crisp, adding a layer of uncertainty to your steps.

The deserted streets were shrouded in darkness, a stark contrast to the vibrant city they once were. Shadows danced and whispered around you, as if warning you of the risks you were taking.

Walking through the dimly lit alleyways, your heart raced with anticipation and a touch of fear. Every corner turned, every sound amplified your senses, reminding you of the perilous situation you were in.

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