Yoongi turns his attention to Jimin who looks at him needily. His eyes are wide, his pupils dilated, his eyebrows bent, and his mouth is in a slight pout. Yoongi leans down and kisses Jimin gently on the lips and says, "You're doing so well for her, aren't you?" 'What in the good cop bad cop?'

Jimin nods quickly, desperate to prove how well he was doing. Yoongi smiles and removes his hand from his neck, moving it to ruffle his hair. Jimin leans into his hand, needing the older soulmate's affection. 

"I think you win another game, princess. I'm all bothered now." He smirks at you, trying to cool himself down.

"Good. I like getting you back." Despite your dreamlike state only moments ago, you give him a pointed look. 

He leans close to your face and lightly slides his hand up your neck before squeezing just under your jaw. You see stars and get light-headed as he says, "I'll win the next one. For now, go take care of yourself." He taunts you one last time as he glides his eyes down your body.

He lets go of you quickly and heads straight for his room, presumably to finish what was started. You drop your head and look at the floor, just breathing for several seconds. After a while, you look up and meet Jimin's eyes. You offer a smile as you say, "Did you have fun?"

He exhales heavily before saying, "I can't say that I expected a game like that. Though, it was definitely fun and certainly... new."

"I'll say. You learn something new about yourself everyday, I guess." You fan yourself and attempt to laugh off the mood.

"I wouldn't say that that was a new discovery for me, but that degree was definitely new." He lets out an airy chuckle.

"We'll play again sometime." You walk past him with a wink that flusters him a second time.


You all sit around the table for a later lunch, but you make it a point to avoid sitting next to Yoongi or Jimin. You can't do that again today. Instead, you are sitting between Jin and Jungkook. 

"So, I take it that you enjoyed Y/n's game, Jimin?" Taehyung sings with his head resting in his hand. Jimin's eyes widen in shock as he looks at him.

"It was... fun. Yeah." He rubs the back of his neck, his face reddening. You stifle a laugh at his flustered expression.

"I figured. That's my favorite game to play." Taehyung smirks.

"You played a game without us?" Hoseok pouts next to Jimin. 

"Y/n has her own brand of games. It's not like the ones we're about to play. Though, the worst part is that she never loses her own competition." Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, giving you a sharp look. You think back to the two games you played with him. Then, you dramatically sigh in content.

"No fair! I want to play." Hobi continues to pout.

"Everyone gets to play my game at some point." You smile innocently.

"Yeah, and even if you lose, you have a blast." Yoongi says, staring into the distance as he reminisces. 

Namjoon and Jin look at each other with a shared, confused expression. They look to you for answers, but you just smile and shrug. They shake their heads and finish eating like the rest of you.

"Who wants to play never have I ever?" Jungkook exclaims, heading straight for the living room. 

Everyone follows him in, Taehyung and Hoseok cheering loudly. You find yourself on the floor between Namjoon and Hobi this time. 

"Wait, do you put your finger down if you have or if you haven't?" Hobi asks.

"You put your finger down if you have done the thing." Taehyung answers.

"What are the punishments for the losers?" Yoongi asks.

"How do you lose never have I ever?" Jin asks him.

"Whoever has all of their fingers down is considered the loser, but whoever loses first gets the worst punishment." He states, reclining onto a pillow.

"I see... Well, we can make it up as we go. Maybe whoever said the 'never have I ever' can come up with the punishment for the loser." Jin suggests. Everyone agrees to implement the rule, and the game begins.

"Okay, I want to start!" Jungkook exclaims. "Never have I ever... broken a bone." 

"Oh, we're starting off easy." Yoongi mumbles.

"Not everything has to be sexual, Yoongi. Geez." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"It's more fun like that! Fine, we'll play normally and then progress." He rolls his eyes.

You leave your fingers up because you have never broken a bone. You're not quite sure how, but you've never been one for risky adventures or sports. Everyone except for you, Jungkook and Jin put a finger down.

And so the games continue for the rest of the night, only pausing to make a quick and easy dinner.


Guys... I hate (but love) to say it... but the fic is just about finished :')

I think I'll add bonus chapters for fluff and stuff bc I want to describe both of the games nights.

So there are 2 more plot chapters, and however many bonus chapters.

Ill give an A/N at the very end so I won't burden you with a speech rn lol

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