Start from the beginning

After having dinner together, we were in our room. I was changed in my nightwear, which included leggings and a hand knitted thin peach sweater, it was quite cold tonight.

Thanks to the rainy weather.

He exited the changing room, still not looking at me but his reflection in the huge mirror. He was dressed in a pristine black shirt, and the top buttons of his shirt were open, revealing the view of his firm torso, the sleeves were rolled up, giving a view of his muscular, veiny arms. He paired the look with a black straight jeans, a rolex watch and black shoes while his black ravens were gelled to perfection. To say he looked handsome would be an understatement, he looked out of this works.

I felt my breath hitch at his mere sight. I cleared my throat, looking anywhere but him.

"Too late to look away." He jested, causing heat to creep to my cheeks.

It's embarrassing.

He turned and walked closer to me, before sitting in front of me, close enough for my nostrils to be filled with his manly cologne.

"You don't need to be embarrassed." He whispered, tucking a loose hair strand behind my ears. Unconsciously my eyes closed at his gesture.

"As long as it's me you are looking at." He spoke softly. My heart fluttered with joy as he leaned in, placing a tender kiss on my cheeks. My senses shut down, and the jittery feeling in my stomach that I always got around him multiplied by folds. Goosebumps erupted over my entire body, and only when he stood up did I realize I had been holding my breath.

"I'll be back soon, call me if you need me." He instructed.

"Be safe." I told him, something he usually says. He gave me gentle smile before leaving.

Once he left, there was complete silence in the house. I wasn't all alone if one includes the built guards, guarding the entire mansion and Mrs.Thompson, a middle aged lady, working as a cook for past five years. Though there were people around me, it was after days, I felt alone.

I missed Alex.
I missed our chirpy Emily.
I missed mom.
And it was only a couple of minutes, and I had already started to miss Lucas.

Sighing, I closed the door, and laying down on the bed, I decided to read a book. Something I used to do quite a lot as a teenager but it was years after, I actually got time to do it now.


I woke up to the sound of loud bangings on my door. I jerked up, dread and fear crawled the back of my spine.

Definitely no one can break in here.

I was about to go in my defense mode, when I heard the only voice that I needed to hear. Lucas.

I rushed to the door and opened it, revealing a very concerned looking Lucas.

"What the hell took you so long ? Do you even realise how worried I was ?" He asked, louder than intended. He sure was very worried but I was more taken aback by his appearance. From top to bottom, he was drenched with water. Before I could answer, he sneezed.

"You need to change right now. I'll get you something hot to drink. Perhaps a masala tea." Side stepping his question, I muttered and began to walk past him to go to kitchen. When he held me by my arm, pulling me closer to him.

"Are you okay ?" He asked. As his warm hands touched me, I realised he had fever.

He was burning in fever and he needs to know if I am okay ?

"I am okay. I just dozed off. Now change. You are burning." He nodded, letting go of my hand. If I wasn't in a hurry, I would have felt the loss of his touch.

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