Part 19

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It had been two days, and Gulf was still lying down. Bright had been there with him the whole time, only leaving his side to go to the bathroom. Bright sat down, holding Gulf's hand, unable to sleep well for the past two days. The thought of Gulf waking up when he wasn't there consumed his mind. With heavy eyes, Bright placed his head on the bed and closed his eyes.

Dew had come once with Win, but that was it. Dew thought it best to leave them alone. Win wanted to stay and take care of Gulf, but Dew warned him not to disturb them. So, Win stayed in the chief's house the whole time.

Slowly, Gulf began to open his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows as the light reached his eyes. His head felt heavy, and when he looked down, he noticed the hand holding his own. It was the face that had haunted him for the past week.

"Bright..." Gulf said weakly.

Bright woke up at the sound of Gulf's voice. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see Gulf awake.

"Gulf," Bright exclaimed, standing up in disbelief.

"Bright..." Gulf called out.

"Yes, Gulf. It's me," Bright said, holding Gulf's hand tightly.

"My head feels heavy," Gulf commented.

"Rest for now. I'll call the doctor to check on you," Bright said, his smile tinged with relief.

Gulf nodded weakly and closed his eyes, succumbing to his headache. Bright stepped out of the room to call the doctor.

"It seems he is recovering at a good pace. All his vital signs are normal, and now we just need to wait for him to regain his energy and for his wounds to heal," the doctor explained.

"Thank you, doctor," Bright said, feeling relieved by the update.

After the call, Bright received a call from Dew.

"Boss, we have a problem. The boy has been taken by Witaya," Dew said, panic evident in his voice.

"What?! Why?" Bright exclaimed, raising his voice slightly, causing Gulf to stir in his sleep. Bright left the room so as not to disturb him.

"Witaya found out that we have been chasing the boy and thought he was very important to us, so he took him," Dew explained.

Bright pinched the bridge of his nose. His uncle must have taken the boy to use him as leverage.

"What does he want?" Bright asked, knowing that his uncle must have had some ulterior motive.

"He wants to exchange the boy for the land we received from the Ritthirong family. And he wants you to come alone," Dew replied.

Bright sighed. He didn't want to leave Gulf, especially now that he had woken up. However, he knew that if he didn't take the boy, Gulf would despise him. Gulf had taken care of the boy as if he were his brother.

"Fine. I'll go. Prepare everything and send our people here to look after Gulf," Bright said, sighing. He wished he could leave everything to Dew and be by Gulf's side.

"Okay, Boss," Dew said before ending the call.

Bright returned to the room and sat beside Gulf, observing his face once more before leaving.

"I won't be gone for long," Bright assured Gulf, kissing him on the forehead.

Bright waited for his men to arrive before leaving for the location his uncle had specified.

"Bright! You came earlier than I expected," Witaya greeted his nephew with a smile.

"Where's the boy?" Bright asked curtly.

"No greeting for your uncle? Fine... there he is," Witaya pointed to a corner.

Bright turned his head and saw Win in tears, frightened for his life.

"Here is the land deed. Give me the boy," Bright demanded, showing the document.

"Let him go," Witaya ordered his people. Win immediately ran towards Bright. Although he didn't know who Bright was, it seemed like he was on his side.

Bright then threw the deed towards Witaya and turned to leave. However, Witaya's men surrounded him.

"Do you think I would let you go just like that? Well then, good luck," Witaya taunted as he took the deed and left the scene.

"Of course, he would do this," Bright muttered, stretching his neck.

Win was scared and didn't know what to do.

"Just stick with me," Bright suddenly said, bringing Win back to reality. Win nodded vigorously in response.

One by one, Witaya's men attacked Bright, but he managed to fight them off. Frightened by the violence, Win slowly backed away from Bright. Seeing the opportunity, Witaya's men attempted to attack Win, but before he could dodge, Bright intervened, kicking the man and pulling Win closer.

"I told you to stick with me," Bright said. Win was taken aback by the sudden action but nodded in understanding.

Bright continued to fight off the attackers while Win stayed close to him. As more people approached from outside, Bright realized they were Witaya's men.

"Fuck!" Bright cursed, seeing the reinforcements.

"Let's go!" Bright grabbed Win's wrist and dragged him to his car. He swiftly drove back to his place. Win remained in shock as they arrived at Bright's residence.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of the car," Bright ordered, stepping out himself.

Win quickly followed but noticed a symbol on the house and froze.

"That symbol..." Win whispered slowly.

Win saw a few people coming towards them, some of them dressed the same as the one that was in his house.

"Boss, welcome home," Dew greeted, stepping forward and bowing. Win's eyes widened as he witnessed the scene. Something clicked in his head.

"You... You're the Boss of The Chatchada?!"


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