9 - ICU

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---- I was waiting/expecting for more views on the previous chapter, but here you go
It was dim lit when Reid opened his eyes. He jerked his head upward, pain shooting up through his neck to his head, causing him to wake up completely.

"You're awake, Dr. Reid!" a young, short lady walk into the room, and explained, "You were in a car crash, and you got pretty lucky with just a concussion and a few bruises. You-."

Reid interrupted, rubbing his head, "Where's Agent Hotchner?"

The nurse hesitated, "He is in intensive care...."

Reid started to breathe heavily. He groaned as he tried sitting up, "I need to see him."

"Sir, you need rest. Please, lie down," the nurse helped Reid lie back on the hospital bed. Reid fell asleep.
•• ••
Over the week, Reid was in and out sleep.

"He's awake, guys," JJ announced to Morgan and Prentiss, "How are you feeling, Spence?"

Reid saw his teammates, and smiled wide, "I'm feeling a little better. What day is it?"

"It's Thursday. The doctor said you'll be outta here by tomorrow. Isn't that nice?" Emily told Reid.

Reid inquired, "Is Hotch okay?"

Morgan sighed, "He's in a coma. They reduced swelling."

Reid's heart dropped. He opened his mouth speechless. He murmured, "Why."

"Hey, don't blame yourself, kid,"

"If I had just drove myself home, he wouldn't be where he is right now..., or if I didn't decide to go over to his place, none of this would have happened...." Reid explained. Then, it dawned on him. He thought, "Asking Hotch out for a drink led up to all this."

"Listen to me, this was not your fault. The truck that hit you, that damn truck driver, oversteered into you guys," Morgan said.

Reid just pushed Morgan's soothing aside, and whimpered, "This still doesn't make Hotch any better! He is in a coma!"

"Right now, we can only hope Hotch wakes up," JJ tried calming him.

"Yet, JJ. He is in a coma. When he wakes up he can end up in a vegetative state or minimally conscious state or with post traumatic amnesia!" Reid said exhausted. He rested himself back on the bed, closing his eyelids.

"Shh... don't worry about him right now, he hasn't woken up yet, but right now you, Spence. Rest,"
•• ••
The next morning, Reid finally got back into his regular clothes: gray trousers and a white dress shirt under a dark green sweater vest. He pulled his plaid mismatched socks over his feet, and then slipped on his black converse.

After he was checked out by Morgan, they both headed to the ICU where Hotch was. They walked into room 17 where their boss was in his unconscious state.

Reid gasped, and quickly went to Hotch's side. He touched his hand. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Sorrow spread over him.

This time, Morgan didn't interfere with Reid. He stood over the kid.

Reid looked up to face Morgan, "He may not wake up for years."

"Who knows. Could be days, weeks, months or years. I'm hoping he'll wake up soon. They took care of the swelling in the head. Hopefully that will help,"

"I hope," Reid looked at Hotch's still body, and the tube coming out of his mouth. He slid under a chair, scooted close to Hotch, and sat.

Morgan left the room, deciding to give them time alone.

Reid looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was there. He interlaced his fingers with Hotch's unresponsive ones. Reid said, "Again, I'm sorry, Hotch. If I didn't push you into getting a drink with me, I wouldn't of kissed you. I was in the wrong to take advantage of you. And after that, my whole outlook on you changed! I thought I would just have to suppress my feelings towards you..., but the day in the elevator, you kissed me. It was a wonderful feeling... your mouth against mine.... I want to be able to enjoy that same feeling with you again...." Reid started to sob into his hands, then sobbed into Hotch's side.

Hotch didn't respond. Reid knew he wouldn't, but he needed to get his feelings out. He had feelings for his boss. He calmed down, rubbing his eyes. Reid grasped Hotch's hand, squeezed it, then walked away.

Morgan saw Reid's tearstained face. He was at the urge of tears again. Morgan sighed and hugged him. He comforted Reid as Reid wept in his shoulder.

Reid pulled away from Morgan, and thanked him.

Morgan nodded.
I don't want to make this entire story too short, but I don't want it to be too long.... Hope you keep reading. c: *Not updating until more views

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