5 - The Dream

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Spencer was laying on his couch, the one Hotch slept the night before. It smelled like alcohol mixed in with Hotch's scent. He sighed sadly. It felt amazing kissing Hotch. He had a desire to experience that feeling again, but how could he? Hotch was drunk. Thank goodness he won't find out. But it was also against protocol of the bureau. Reid remembered every intricate detail of that night because of his eidetic memory. It was like a gift, and a curse. The memory was so good, that it hurt him. Reid buried his face in the blankets Hotch had slept with. He dozed off.

Spencer Reid woke up with a jump to the sound of the door bell. He checked his wrist watch. It was almost nine. "Wow must of took a long power nap," He walked over to the door, checking the peek hole and widening his eyes, opened the door.

"Can I come in? I have no place to go." It was Hotch.

"Yes. Yes, come in," Reid said invitingly. Hotch walked inside. Reid yawned, rubbing at his eyes. He was some reason really worn out. "What's going on?"

Hotch said in a sad, monotoned voice, "Haley, she left." He sighed deeply, "I found divorce papers on the kitchen table, Reid."

Reid thought, distracted, "Why is his voice so deep and sexy?"


"Oh!" Reid blushed, embarrassed for thinking so inappropriately, "Sorry. I really am sorry. What are you going to do?" Reid's heart beat faster after he registered that Hotch had said his first name.

"I don't know,"

Reid couldn't help, but eye Hotch's lips, and unconsciously, licked his own. He looked up, blushing, realized he was staring, and brushed his hair out of his face, exhaling sharply.

"Is there something we need to discus, Spencer? Are you okay?" Hotch inquired.

Reid was surprised to hear his first name, again from Hotch's lips and not drunk. He said, "I'm fine."

"What's on your mind, Spencer?" Hotch kept his dark brown eyes on Reid's light ones.

"N-nothing, nothing's on my mind, really!" Reid squeaked. It kept getting to him, Hotch using his first name. "Calm down, Spencer!" he told himself. He didn't like Hotch doing his stare on him, but Reid also thought, "Why does his alpha male behavior have to be so hot?!"

Hotch decided to drop it, and said, "You know what? It's a lot to ask, but could I just spend the night here again?"

"Uh yeah, sure!"

Hotch could clearly notice Reid was nervous and hiding something from him, but he didn't push it, this time.

It was soon late, and the two men went to bed.

It was the afternoon the next day in Hotch's office. Hotch was about to leave the office to make some paper copies when Reid burst in, pushed Hotch against the wall, and kissed Hotch's lips hard. Hotch returned the kiss, intensifying it.

Reid broke the kiss, and whispered under his breath, "You're so hot."

Hotch pulled Reid into a deeper kiss, right as the office door flew open. It was Gideon.

"What is going on in here?! Aaron?!" Gideon asked in shock seeing the two quickly breaking the kiss.

Hotch could only think, "What? Did Reid just say I was hot? I'm his superior. That was very inappropriate of him."

Reid answered hotch's thoughts aloud, "Yes, you are hot."

Nothing was making since to Hotch....

"Hotch!" Reid yelled from a distance.

Reid shook Hotch awake.

Hotch sat up from the couch. He just had the most delirious dream. He had unexplained mixed feelings about it though.

"We have a case. Morgan called, and we need to be at the office in an hour," Reid informed Hotch.

"Oh, okay," Hotch replied. He felt better, his hangover gone, but then he thought of Haley.

Reid make breakfast: toast and eggs.

Hotch was still at aw and confusion about the dream he had. "I kissed him back! Why?" He thought.
Hope you liked this chapter.

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