7 - Elevator

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They were back in Quantico, Virginia on a Tuesday at noon.

Reid just came out of Garcia's office, and headed to the elevator.

"I need to talk to you," Hotch said as he caught up to Reid.

"Oh, hey, Hotch," Reid said brightening up, "Are you going out for lunch too?" He pushed the elevator button.

"This isn't about work. I was curious about what happened when I was drunk...." Hotch lowered his voice, getting a little red in the cheeks. He never liked being in oblivious situations. He felt embarrassed.

Reid looked down, and cleared his throat. "What am I supposed to say? Lie? Or tell my boss what happened? What would he think?" These were only a few of the thoughts that were scrambling in his head.

Hotch knew Reid wouldn't answer right away, so he said, "Tell me what happened, Reid."

"I don't want you to despise me...." Reid was scared.

Hotch started to start him down fiercely.

The young doctor started getting uncomfortable because whenever Hotch showed his alpha male behavior, it was so tempting for Reid to just forget the rules. Reid also couldn't stand how hot the agent looked his suit.

They walked inside the elevator. Hotch's broad shoulders turned around to face Reid as Reid pressed the close button.

"Talk to me Reid,"

Reid gulped. Then he told Hotch, in vivid detail, because of his eidetic memory, how they talked and how they kissed.

They started descending.

Hotch didn't know what to think, but especially didn't know how he felt. He spoke up, "Thank you, Reid, for being honest." Hotch finally had an answer to the bizarre dreams he kept having.

Reid only grinned. He felt awkward. What did his boss think of him now that he knows?

They were both aware they could not let word out what had happened, or it would cause a huge hassle and a huge rant from Section Chief Strauss ending with dire consequences.

Hotch started to remember parts of that night using the images from the dreams. Reid kissed him first, but he had kissed him back! So much emotions were circulating inside him. He felt that he failed keeping his wife happy. He felt mixed feelings toward Reid, which he did not want to accept. He felt like a mess emotionally.

Suddenly, the elevator jerked, causing Reid to scream. Hotch gasped as they dropped a few feet, then they stopped.

"I- Is it s-stuck?" Reid asked nervously.

Hotch walked toward the doors, and tried to pry them open. It wouldn't budge. Hotch cursed under his breath.

After standing in silence which felt like hours, they both sat down, leaning against the elevator. Reid pulled out from his satchel A Beautiful Mind, to keep his mind off of the situation he was in.

But just then, the elevator jolted, the lights flickered, and then darkness.

"Hotch?!" Reid gasped. The book was immediately forgotten as he tried feeling with his hands, swatting through emptiness trying to find Hotch.

Hotch soothed, "Hey, I'm right here, Reid. It's okay." Hotch grasped Reid's shoulder. Reid jumped out of his skin from the unexpected contact. He scooted closer to Hotch, whimpering. Hotch felt like Reid needed comfort, like Jack. So, he embraced him.

Reid defended himself by saying, "I'm not scared of the dark, just the inherent absence of light." Although, Reid hugged Hotch back.

To Hotch, their embrace felt unbelievably magnificent, causing him to hug Reid tighter.

Reid was frightened, but loved experiencing the contact with Hotch again. He was shaking.

"Shh, Spencer," Hotch found Reid's eyes in the dark; worry washed over them. They stared at one another for a long minute.

Hotch couldn't take it. He stood up, lifting Reid up to his feet as well. He shoved Reid, in the dark, pinning Reid against the corner of the elevator.

Reid gasped, taking the impact. He opened his mouth to say something, but Hotch quickly closed the distance between their lips. Reid groaned, surprised, but returned kissed Hotch back with as much force as Hotch did. Hotch moaned, still keeping contact with Reid's lips. The sensation was phenomenal.

Reid who had nothing to hold onto, pulled Hotch closer. He wrapped his arm around Hotch's waist, "Aaron." He felt relief now knowing Hotch wasn't thinking he was some creep.

"Hm," Hotch moaned, grasping Reid's hair in one hand, and the other interlocked fingers with Reid; hand fixed to the wall. He didn't care at this point what he was doing. Was he going crazy? He couldn't think, he only did. Aaron moved his head down to Spencer's neck, sinking his teeth lightly on flesh.

Spencer, closing his eyelids, and tilting his head back onto the wall, moaned.

Making sure not to leave a mark, Hotch continued to nip gently at Reid's skin. He moved his hands down Reid's body.

Reid felt Hotch's hands on his hip, on his belt. He murmured, "No."

Hotch snapped out of his ecstasy for a second. He kissed Spencer's newly chapped lips, moving his hands gracefully back up Reid's chest, back to his hair.

Spencer hesitated, then decided to move his hands silently over Hotch. Hotch's chest rose with a sigh from Reid's long fingers running down his body. It was erotic.

The elevator moved. They desperately met each others lips a few move times before loosing contact. The lights flickered back on.

Hotch adjusted his tie, while Reid smoothed out his disheveled hair.

The doors opened, revealing a worried looking Morgan. He asked, "Are you two alright?"

"We're fine," Reid sighed contently, dazed off in bliss.

Hotch nodded with confidence, then headed out the elevator with Reid following close behind.

JJ walked by and questioned Morgan, "What just happened?"

"The elevator was jammed. Surprisingly, Reid wasn't at all spooked," Morgan shrugged his shoulders.

"Excuse me!" Reid squeaked as came back suddenly, running into the elevator to get his satchel and book. He clumsily stuffed the novel into his satchel and ran off again.

JJ and Morgan giggled.
This was a long chapter! Hope you liked it! cx

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