6 - Reoccurring

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Hotch still couldn't get the dream off his mind as the team set foot on the jet for a 5hr flight to California's Siskiyou county where middle-aged men were being led out into the woods and stabbed to death with their right lung cut out and missing.

On the plane, Reid sat next to Hotch and started to drift off to sleep. So did Hotch.

When the plane went through some turbulence, causing Hotch to wake up from another bizarre kissing scene with Reid. He didn't know why he kept having such a dream. He noticed Reid's head was leaning on his right shoulder.

Hotch cleared his throat and said, "Reid."

"Hm," Reid said half awake.

"Get out of my personal space," Hotch said sternly. He felt really awkward after he had the dream again of him kissing Reid.

"Let him sleep, the kid needs some rest," Morgan told Hotch who was sitting across from Reid. Morgan thought Hotch was always too strict on the young man.

Hotch sighed. He didn't want to admit to himself that he liked this odd feeling.
As the plane descended, Reid finally woke up. He apologized for sleeping on Hotch.

"It's fine," Hotch assured him.

Reid's lips curled upward into a smile.

Throughout the days working on the case, Hotch continued to have the same dream. The occurring dreams made him feel aroused, but immediately disgusted after waking up to reality. It made him unconsciously create a distance between himself and Reid.

Morgan and Hotch were sharing a room this time.

Morgan decided to speak up, "Is there something going on between you and Reid?"

"No," Hotch answered quickly. He knew that wasn't good enough for Morgan, so he admitted, "I don't know."

"What's up?"

Hotch said, "I've been having inappropriate dreams involving Reid. I don't know why I keep having them."

"Can I ask, what are you doing in the dreams?"

"We make out, kiss,"

"Oh," Morgan didn't know how to respond to what Hotch had said. Then, he replied, "Do you know when the dreams first started?"

Hotch thought aloud, "Almost a week ago... after I had a drink, with Reid...." He tried remembering the night, but it was all a blur. "And the next day I asked him what happened, but he ignored the question."

Morgan nodded attentively, "Then maybe you should ask him again."

Hotch agreed, then they got to sleep.

Hotch opened his eyes as the sound of his alarm broke himself and Reid's contact. He sighed, tired of having these reoccurring dreams.

Morgan woke up. He asked Hotch, "So, did you have another one of those dreams?" He snickered.

"Yeah, is it funny?" Hotch said sternly with a disapproving stare.

Morgan took his small laugh back, and answered, "No."

Hotch smiled, messing with Morgan. Morgan was surprised Hotch was joking around. They both started laughing. It was a good feeling to laugh again.
Next chapter: Hotch and Reid talk. Not updating until more views .. I think this chapter wasn't very long with not much happening. Hope you keeping reading :)

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