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I was in threshold consciousness when I heard the alarm at 6 AM. The actual problem was that I was under the same state throughout the night. I did not have a headache, probably because my anxiety, for the time being, was playing the role of a painkiller. There also were muscular spasms due to wrong postures of sleep. I ignored these seemingly small physical symptoms and got ready quickly.

It was the day to start working on getting to the point my thoughts were
leading me to, yesterday. I had my action plan that I had made the previous night ready while I skipped my dinner.
For getting on the action plan, I had to ask Vignesh for help yet again. I made guesses regarding his reaction while I drove to the police station. I reached the police station and saw Vignesh looking as fresh as a daisy.

“Good morning, Richard. How do you do!" said Vignesh with his usual bright smile.

“Hello, Vignesh. I need help from you, without any cross questions,” I replied.

“I would like to have the glass pieces that the police collected from the crime scene on the Swamynathan's terrace."

“Yes. Take the entire bunch," Vignesh said.

“No need. Two or three pieces would do.”

I was very thankful to Vignesh, not only for giving me those glass pieces, but also for not questioning me about the reason.

The next thing that was needed was in the Swamynathan villa. I asked Watson to get it for me. I spoke to Mrs. Swamynathan over the telephone and told her about the thing I needed. I didn’t disclose the reason to either of them. I waited at a restaurant near the police station for Watson to return from the Swamynathan villa. While I drove to Elegant Laboratories, I searched for the roadside shop from which the glass frame was bought, as per the Swamynathan family.

I could not find such a shop. This was not surprising because these kinds of roadside shops are mostly volatile in nature. Ignoring this fact under an assumption that the Swamynathan family statement was true, I moved on to my next important task. I drove for two hours across the heavy traffic areas. I stopped at one of the restaurants on the way and had my lunch. The exact place was around four miles from the highway. There was a big logo that said EL that was visible from a mile ahead of the exact location. It meant that there were no big constructions going on around. The surroundings were flat. I had taken an
appointment to meet Mr. Ramakrishna, the Manager of the Customer Relationship team.

The company was spread across three acres of land with a main building and two smaller ones that resembled a prefix and a suffix to the main one. I was admitted by the security team after they called upon Mr. RK. He was a six-footer, very fair, and looked to be in his midforties. He was still very agile. He took me to his office, very well furnished, which almost looked bluish everywhere.

“How do you do, Mr.Richard?” he asked. His immaculate attire and positive body language could make people like him at the very first go.

“As I spoke to you yesterday over the telephone, I have brought the things that you need. When can I get the report?”

“That's not a big deal. Our technical team would send you the report by email tomorrow. By the way, is it regarding some case? I have heard  your name a couple of times on television. Just curious to know,” he said.

“Yes. But I cannot say anything else about that. I hope you understand,” I replied softly.

“Of course, I get it.” He smiled.
I left the premises after Mr. RK wrote down my email address. The online report was expected the next day. It was a satisfying day and an exciting one at the same time. The next day's report would be a deciding factor to move further in this case.

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