Chapter 9.

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I slept till 6:30 until it was time to get ready I did my usual hair and makeup as always.

I slept till 6:30 until it was time to get ready I did my usual hair and makeup as always

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This is your outfit x

I made my way into first period which was English.

"Hey Ruby did you bring the project?" Carlo asked.

"Yep it's in my bag" I said while sitting down.

He smiled as the teacher started talking. English felt like it was going on forever.

"Now I will come round and collect all your projects" The teacher said as she took them.

The bell rang and we carried on throughout the school day. It was last period now and thankfully my teacher let me out early so I decided to head straight back home. As I was walking I got stopped by someone.

"Hi! I'm Jane I couldn't help notice you from across the street were looking for a modle and you seem perfect have you ever thought of doing it?" She asked.

"Yeah it's what I've been planning to do after school" I said smiling.

"Brilliant! Would you like to come with me I can show you the studio and we can do some shots if you'd like?" She asked looking excited.

I nodded and followed her we talked along the way. I felt nervous. I had never even done it before. But it was my last week of school so this could be a big opportunity!

"Hello Sir I've found a modle for us!" She said walking me into the studio.

"Oh hello what's ya name?" The manger asked.

"Ruby" I said a bit shy.

"Lovely have you ever thought of being a modle Ruby?" He asked leading me to a white backdrop in the room.

"It's what I'm planning to do after school yes" I said.

"Brilliant so we're just gonna to a few poses if that's okay with you then we can make a decision!" He said.

I nodded and started posing. Inside I was so nervous but so happy I'm able to do this. After a few pictures I went over the the camera to check them out.

"Your a natural! Would you like to work with us?" He asked with Jane looking at me.

I nodded excitedly we decided to take a few more pictures and then discuss what we'll be doing.

I was walking out the door until I heard Jane jog after me.

"Hey Ruby here's a card with my number on it so you can call me whenever and also our next appointment is tomorrow at 3:10 if you can make it!" She said beeming.

"Yeah of course thank you for this opportunity I'll be here tomorrow!" I said to her.

"No problem I'll see ya tomorrow bye!" She said while walking into the building.

I waved goodbye back to her and made my way home. I realised I would have to run to the appointment tomorrow as I finished school at 3:00 so there would be no time to talk to Sapphire but does this also mean this job would make me see Dion less or the group? What would happen after school is over? I didn't really know what to feel but I hoped everything would turn out okay. I had finally made it home I put the card number on my desk and got ready for bed. My phone rang While I was getting ready for bed.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Ruby where we're you after school?" Sapphire asked.

"I got let out early so I just decided to go home is everything alright?" I said abit tired.

"Yes also I got offered a job at the hair salon!" She said excitingly.

"Way to go Sapphire I'm so happy for you!" I said exited myself.

"Thank you anyways I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow bye bye!" She said hanging up.

Looks like the whole group are getting their dream jobs but I still haven't told them what happend today. I'll get round to it. I got into bed excited
for tomorrow.

Hey guys so I hope you like this story sorry if the outfits aren't to good there a little hard to find but I'm very excited to start writing more chapters and I hope you all liked this one!

Ruby Baby (Dion DiMucci Story) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora