Chapter 2

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*I'm so sorry I've been forgetting to post*

It was coming to the near end of class and as I was writing down notes the teacher began speaking again.

"So everyone before you leave you all have a group project to do." She said looking at the class

Groans came from all of the students me and Sapphire look at each other hoping we were in a group together.
As the teacher was saying groups ours finally came up.

"Lastly Ruby and Sapphire."

We both squealed with excitement.

"And Fred, Carlo and Dion." She said finally.

We looked behind us at the boys as they were smirking. This is going to be horrible.

As soon as the well rang me and Sapphire ran out of there as quickly as we could and so the boys wouldn't find us.

"She has got to be messing we can't work with them, the only bearable one is Dion!" Sapphire said as we walked outside for break.

"I know right how are we going to do this!" I said.

Then we heard the boy's behind us talking while walking up to us.

"Well looks like we're in a group so what are we doing?" Fred said looking at us.

Dion was standing right in front of me I felt butterflys omg!

"Well we could all come round to my house tonight I guess." Sapphire said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I gave a smile and a nod in response.

"Alright then We'll see you after school then meet outside the gates" Carlo said looking at all of us.

We all nodded and before the boy's walked away me and Dion locked eyes again and he did the cutest smile ever! I stared at him leaving until the next bell rang and me and Sapphire walked to our next class.

Finally the school day was over! We saw the guys waiting for us outside the gates.

"Took you long enough didn't it?" Carlo said glaring at us.

"Oh shut it Carlo!" Sapphire said.

I let out a small laugh as he rolled his eyes and we started walking. DION WAS RIGHT NEXT TO ME OMG!

"So I've seen you play drums your quite good at them" Dion said.

I was shocked he was talking to me! He's in my music class so he might of seen me there.

"Oh thank you, your really good at singing as well!" I said as we were walking behind the others.

"Thanks I think it's pretty clear that I'm better then the other two." He joked.

We both let out a laugh and we were next to Sapphires house as the others made it before us.

"C'mon Lovebirds we don't have all day." Fred said winking at us.

I went really red as Dion just shook his head and we all went inside.

We all got sat down and started get on with the work.

"Wait so what are we actually doing?" Carlo asks.

We're not even half way through yet omg.

"Seriously! We're just writing down about some stuff about Shakespeare and his plays!" She said slightly annoyed.

He nodded and continued writing some stuff that probably had nothing do to with the project. After an hour or two I realised it was my curfew to go home.

"I have to go home now sorry do you wanna meet up again tomorrow?" I asked while packing my stuff away.

Everyone agreed. I waved goodbye to them and left while walking down the street I heard someone jogging up behind me.

"Omg Dion you scared me is everything alright?" I said a little taken back

"Yes I'm sorry the other 3 are arguing and I don't really wanna get in the middle of it can I walk you home?" He said looking at me.

I smiled and nodded as we started walking again.

"So what we're they arguing about then?" I asked.

"I don't really know something about a play but also Carlo and Sapphire flirt so much they need to get together already!" He said smiling.


"Yes I was thinking that too they always do it kinda makes me sick." I said.

We both laughed and before we knew it we we're at my front door.

"Thanks for walking me home tonight Dion." I said smiling.

"Anytime we should do it more often also here's my phone number if you wanna call at all." He said handing out a peice of paper.

"Thank you I'll make sure I will!" I said.

"Alright I'll see you at school tomorrow then!" He said smiling.

I nodded a gave him a kiss on the cheek. WHAT WAS I THINKING WHY DID I DO THAT!???
He smiled and nodded as we both waved goodbye.

This was the best day ever I couldn't wait to call him soon! I headed inside the house excited for tomorrow!

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