Chapter Seventeen

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The journey was quiet for most of the trip. Stampy and Squiddy would look back at the two young men with a frown upon their faces. A faltering hope still grasping for life.

Skep stayed close to a6d, holding his hand sometimes or whispering to him of how well he was doing. He would stay by his side in the cold nights. Hold the soup bowl to a6d, nudging him gently to eat. Maybe at times hold him in his arms, rubbing circles on the tearful cat. Letting a6d lean on his shoulder as he wept or sit there in darkness.

Days. Has it been.

Ever since it happened, for a moment, Skeppy believed that the cat would push him away once more. They would go over it again. The miscommunication. The snapping. The disputes. Yet as he wiped the tear of the cat, there was nothing in that flame. It was gone.

The anger. The snapping.

All done and replaced with stillness. Emptiness.

Only a blank canvas.

As Skep was relieved his brother did not push him away, he did, however, hated how quiet he had gone. Not that he could blame him. a6d had spoken no words. His words were misplaced.

He wanted the old cherry a6d back. The sarcastic cat who dwittle with his inventions. The cat who dreamt of being free from the darkness. The cat who would smile and laugh. Where was he? Asked the poor one. Where has his little brother's light gone?

The Pakistani glanced over at his little brother. a6d was petting little Ian who purred softly against his hand. Those purple eyes were gray and blue. Only despair. Light gone. Skeppy frowned.

He looked down at his hilt where his sword was. Skeppy remembered the word on his Diamond sword. Family.


He thought about that conversation he had with Technoblade. Arguing back that his family was what makes him fight. He was fighting for his family.

And now?

He will fight- no he had fought his own brother. The memory of pushing and stabbing Bad off of the roof stained his mind. He couldn't shake off the image of Bad's soulless purple eyes. The demon falling off the roof. But he had no choice. Bad was going to kill a6d.

And now... will they have to save BadBoyHalo. Their older brother from the clutches of the Wither King. Save him from this possesion. Get the cure.

And tell the others.

The others.

The Pakistani frowned, oh did he not want to tell them what happened. For the truth will stab them through the heart with a dagger. He could imagine their hurt expressions and tears falling. He squinted his eyes shut. No, don't think of it.

Skeppy looked forward to in front of him. In front of him, does the coastal region of the Atlantic Kingdom approaches. He bit his lip nervously. Within days or hours, will he have to see his brothers. Why he was content to see them but extremely anxious to tell them. No word was slipped between the duo and the friends in the Atlantic Kingdom. They had to wait for they all meet up to discuss what happened to Bad.

He stole another glance at a6d. And he hoped for his little brother to speak again. Skep squeezed the other's hand and tried to smile. But he couldn't. Not fully. Only a crack.

Just a little more and they will see their brothers. Just a little more and they will end this war. Just a little more and they will save BadBoyHalo.

The travelers continued to walk and soon finally made it to the town border. The guards at the gate let the folks inside and the four walked in. Skeppy looked around and tried to spot the others with his device in hand. He called TapL, "TapL! Where are you guys?" The Pakistani slowed to a stop in the middle and added, "I'm in the town center place. The fountain." A guard walked over to the group and asked if they want to give their horses to the stable for them. Squiddy nodded and thanked them.

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