Omar questioned as they saw what came of their traveling companion.

Their eyebrows turned down and felt a taste of distraught. The frown sank deeper. A pang of jealousy. Omar placed their head on their knees.

Just breathe.

Focus, Omar.

They comforted themself.

Slowly over time, Omar was breathing normally. A normal pace. Their eyes glanced over at the sleeping companion. Their hands gripped tightly on the soft blankets. They let out a low growl of frustration.

Lies. They softly cried.

It was all lies. Cry and scream out to the void, cries of help and desperation, oh will they reach out to the others. The loved ones and they will be the one's saviors. They will pull them out of the dreaded void and soothe their soul. Hold them and kiss them.

Why didn't pdl saved them?

Omar looked back at him. Their cries had not disturbed him nor brought him caution. Alas, the companion had continued to sleep.

Then they stopped.

The truth, Omar knew.

All those small savory moments were false. A piece of fiction.

No matter how much one would cry and hope to be saved from the darkness, no one will save them. Just fiction. A figment of imagination and false hope.

Their cries didn't got brought out to the reality as they believed.

The truth stabbed them. Deep in the heart. Omar gasped.

And once again, tears spilled.

Once again the red eyes won.

Omar sat there awake. Not moving. They stared up in front of them. The grave wall. Thoughts fought against each other. Should they sleep? Should they stay awake? Their paws shake to the idea of going back there.

Nightmare after nightmare. Do they want to be tormented again by a being that could be haunting them right now? Their eyes darted at the window. Nothing. They pushed up against the wall again. Wanting to hide. Maybe if they push themself against the wall hard enough, the wall will observe them. But it's foolish.


They let out a devastated sigh.

Their shoulders pitched up.

Omar didn't want to sleep.

Just try. Maybe try and they will stay awake. Rest during the travels. If pdl questions, they could say that there was no worry or some excuse.

Oh so did Omar tried. Keep their bagged eyes open. Stare blankly at the grave wall and imagine hallucinations. Soon they imagined red eyes. They slightly jumped but shook their head and hid under the blankets. Then repeat.

Stay awake. They told themself.

Oh so did Omar failed.

The next moment, Omarmu woke in the hands of the being. Their hand on their neck. Choking them to death. Omar trying to get out their grip. Tears stained. Begging to be left alone. Begging to be alive. Begging for pdl's help once again. Begging to be saved. That was all they begged. To be saved from this nightmare. But did their cries for help reached out?

They didn't.


The Next Morning

Omarmu woke up again. They stirred restlessly in the bed and brushed back their floof. They held back their head and let out a small yawn. Stretching their arms and falling back on their sides. Omar looked around, slowly blinking til the widened realization- they had fallen asleep. Omar's eyes fell to sadness.

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