Chapter 10

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Wake up

Alexandria POV

Athy kept struggling to open the door while i cursed Felix in my head.

Felix that idiot!!

' it possible he woke up at the sounds of the door?'

'I hope not ....'

Together we look towards the bed there was no indication that he was up, but still we held our breaths and watched.

The room is really simple from the bed to the door everything is basic.

'is this really his palace?'

'.....Yep. it is.'

Hmm? Why is her voice so emotional?


Ahh..i see it gold ofcourse -_-

Suddenly she started running around the room looking at all the pictures with golden frames.

She probably thinks this place is heaven...

'alex look at this.'

'...isn't that Penelope Judith, Jeanette's mom?'

'yea...come on let's go we've seen too much'


Why does he have her picture here? To curse at her? Because he definitely didn't love her i know that much from the previous memories and that novel--






My brain hurts...

'b-but what's he doing here instead of his bed?'

'i dunno dudes got weird taste?'

'whoa. He's like a sleeping prince from a fairy tale'

' wasn't it a sleeping princess?'

'yea but he is prettier than the princess..'

'...what sort of horrible logic is that.'

'cant he stay asleep like this forever?'

' now that's quite rude to say to your father Athanasia.'


Suddenly she clenched her fists staring at Claude who was fast asleep.

'should i give him a wake up punch?'

'sure go ahead it would be fun and you'll get revenge two birds one stone.'

' Yeah...when else would I get a chance, i should get revenge... For what happened at the lake...he should take one punch!!'

Athanasia lifted her clenched hands with vigor ready to slam them upon Claude but alas it wasn't her day. One of the chocolate that she hid in her sleeve slipped out and hit Claude on the face bouncing off.

Well shit....

Claude opened his eyes and glanced towards athanasia who still had her hands up, taking the opportunity i backed away far enough out of Claude's sight.

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